AIC Church Kenya-Ordinations and Installations of Bishops
Report by Dr. John Kivuva
Diasporamessenger Ambassador at large
From Left; Presiding Bishop, AIC-Kenya, The Rev. Silas Yego, Middle; The Rev. Dr. John Kivuva and on the Right,The Assistant Presiding Bishop AIC-Kenya, The Rev. Geofrey Gichure.
My Mission trip to Kenya this year 2009 was very successful. I was invited to participate in the Ordinations and Installations of the new Africa Inland Church Area Bishops. The ceremony was very colorful and was held in Baringo where Bishop Raimoi of AIC Baringo was ordained among other Bishops. For the first time in the history of AIC-Kenya, 15 New Bishops have been installed since the beginning of the year 2009.
Africa Inland Mission (AIM) began work in 1895 under the direction of the Mission’s founder, Peter Cameron Scott. The work began in the coastal city of Mombasa with a party of seven missionaries. Scott and five others died, and the one remaining man returned home. A few years later, a second attempt was made, and an inland station was opened at Nzawi. Out of this labor the Africa Inland Church (AIC) was formed in 1943. Today, The AIC-Kenya has over 5000 Churches and over 5 Million Members.
The Africa Inland Church (AIC) is the largest Protestant body in Kenya and is growing. It has a major emphasis on evangelism.
The Presiding Bishop, The Rev. Silas Yego and the Assistant Presiding Bishop, The Rev. Geoffrey Gichure Officiated over all the Ordinations and Installations services of the new Bishops.
Waiting for the invited guests to take their position, among the guests was the Former President Daniel Arap Moi among many.
The Reverend Dr. David Mulwa, is the Administrative Secretary who coordinated all the Ceremonial Services from North to South and from East to West and making sure that every Regional Church Council has Access to an Area Bishop within their reach. Congratulations to all the new Bishops.
God’s love letter
- Never wake up early: Keep stretching and turning in bed until you get too hungry to continue dozing. If there are no bedbugs, why hurry to get up?
- Never plan how to spend your money: Whenever you get money, start spending it right away and when it is finished, try to count and recall how you spent it.
- Don’t think of saving until you have real big money: How can you save when you earn so little? Those telling you to save are not sympathetic to your burning needs.Dont they know you are young,energetic,handsome to all women,cute to men who matter,and the blood in you is flowing hot?!
- Don’t engage in activities usually reserved for the “uneducated”: How can you, a graduate, engage in petty trade or home- based production? That is for people who never went to school.You dont belong to the village,you are the ‘macho’ guy.
- Don’t think of starting a business until an angel comes from heaven and gives you capital: How do they expect you to invest before you get millions of shillings? Even though more than half the businesses in your town were started with a few hundred shillings, you as a smart person can only start with millions. Infact you will get all the millions when you retire at age 55Years and your firstborn will just be in primary level four.
- Complain about everything except your own attitude: Blame the system, the government and the banks that refuse to lend you money. They are all bad and do not want you to get rich.Blame your wife for needing money,your husband for being extravagant,your children for needing food,your parents for needing support and every other person, but you!
- Spend more than you earn: To achieve this, first,never show your spouse your paycheck,buy consumer products in credit and keep borrowing from friends and employer.Buy expensive cars that announce your arrival at any street.Buy all your friends dinner and drinks in ‘those joints’ with a ‘label’ coz afterall, how will they know you got the chumz?
- Compete in dressing: Make sure you wear the latest clothes among all the workers in your office. Whenever your neighbour buys a new phone, get one that is more expensive.Dress to ‘kill’ literally.
- Get yourself a nice second- hand car that costs more than three times your gross monthly pay: That will surely keep you in debt long enough to hinder the implementation of any bad plans that could make you accumulate capital. This will see to it that the ‘debt cycle’ is sure,firm and rotating.
- Give your heart & body everything it asks for since you are such a lovable being: TYou should not struggle for anything because you do not want to suffer. That way, you will grow up lazy and hence poor enough to ensureyou have nothing and no-one to help you in your old age.
If you diligently implement these 10 great rules, you will not fail to invite poverty in great measures to your homestead. That way, all important leaders, from East or West, will spend al lot of hours thinking about you, planning how to uplift your daily expenses above one dollar.. Isn’t it nice to be the subject of concern of all those leaders and scholars?
Industrial Workers Plight Part1
Industrial Workers Plight Part2
AIC Church Kenya-Ordinations and Installations of Bishops