Sunday, February 9, 2025

Kenyan MP’s Score Card-We are keeping record of you

The Kenyan MPs and politician knows that the Kenyan mwananchi is very forgetful or they think that we are too gullible and can be bought to forget the past anytime. They despise the common man so much that the impunity and the way they do things and pass some laws is like saying that there is nothing you can do to us.

Kenyans have made noise about MPs pay increase for a long time and about MPs need to pay Taxes but they have ignored the warning and the outcry simply because they do not care for anything but themselves. Think of the many children who sleep hungry, sick and cannot afford medical treatment, naked and cannot afford clothing and all manner of suffering while all the MPs think about is pay increase and not paying taxes. They piggyback on the poor and are not afraid to suck on the remaining blood until all are dead.
With 2012 Election round the Bend, why would they not think to act otherwise and please the electorate? The answer, Impunity and disdain. They are so full of themselves and so arrogant that the suffering and the complain means nothing. They also know that come election time, the masses will forget anything negative they did and they will use the ill gotten money to buy the votes.
We must say enough is enough and we must start keeping record now of each MP’s behavior so that we will remind the electorate of what each MP did and those that are electable and those who are not. Like Egypt’s face book revolution, this face book page will be used to keep record and in partnership with diasporamessenger website and others who will join the cause, we will open a page for every MP where everything done or said will be noted and just like in the book of Life in the Bible, the account of every MP will be revealed during the campaign time and before the 2012 Election.
We welcome anybody who has information, negative or positive about any MP, to post it here or send email to
All Records of MP’s will be posted in this page and each will have individual page linked here.

NAIROBI, Kenya, Jul 22 – Assistant Ministers have got a rude shock in their July pay, after the government went ahead and deducted taxes without notice, which have now been remitted to the Kenya Revenue Authority. Agriculture Assistant Minister Kareke Mbiuki on Thursday expressed shock at the tax deductions terming the move unjust.

Assistant Ministers get July payslip jolt


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