Marriage is not about selfish fulfillment. Marriage is about giving, not taking. When you marry someone, you marry everything he is and everything he has been. You inherit his strengths, his fears, and his weaknesses.
It is impossible to pick the parts you want and leave the parts you don’t. Marriage is a package deal. God grants you the grace of ministering to your spouse, to the child in him. Be patient. You may not see immediate change.
It takes time for even a small cut to heal. Healing is a process. God will give you the oil of compassion and the sweet wine of sincere love to pour into your husband’s wounds.
The apostle Paul teaches the married woman not to be so spiritual that she is unavailable for the ministry of marriage (see 1 Corinthians 7:33,34). God says, “I want the married woman to be concerned about pleasing her husband, and vice versa.
” Your ministry, as a wife, is not in the mall, not in the nursing home, but in your home and to your own spouse. Your priorities need to start there and then spread to career, vocation, and other ministerial pursuits.
God builds the house of marriage, but you must do your own decorating. In effect, God says, “I release the married woman from the level of consecration I expect from the single woman so that she will be able to spend time decorating her relationship.
” I can hear you saying, “But I need to spend time with the Lord.” True. The Bible doesn’t release you from your relationship with the Lord; it just sets some priorities.
You are called to be committed to God and a companion to your spouse. God has ascribed honor to your marriage. Your bed is undefiled (see Hebrews 13:4). Decorate your relationship with holiness, but do not neglect each other in the name of being spiritual (see 1 Corinthians 7:3-5).
For the godly woman who truly cares, God will anoint you to be successful in the ministry of marriage. Pursue God together! By TD Jakes
Marriage is a Ministry and a Package Deal- By T.D. Jakes