Friday, May 3, 2024

Video-Bizzare burial ceremony in Nyeri

There was drama at a funeral in Mathira as villagers sought to fulfil the strange burial instructions left by a seventy year old man. The man had willed that he be buried on a stretcher and crops planted on his grave. In his will,Wilson Machira Thiongo, had also directed his relatives to slaughter a sheep after his funeral and sprinkle the blood in the compound

A man’s unusual request to be buried on a stretcher and crops planted on his grave raised apprehension in his village.
Mr Wilson Machira Thiong’o of Mathira East said in his will that he did not want to be buried in a coffin and instructed relatives to slaughter a ram and sprinkle its blood in his compound.
He also directed them to sweep the compound clean or he would curse them from the nether world.
There was uncertainty at Githima village when the body was brought from the Karatina District Hospital Mortuary.
The convoy stopped at the local trading centre where Mr Thiong’o’s friends tried to force some alcohol into his mouth.
The body was then taken straight to the grave without ceremony.
The burial was disrupted for a few minutes when a brother, Mr Christopher Munyiri, threatened to stop the proceedings if money was not raised to buy a ram for slaughter.
He was eventually persuaded to let the burial go ahead.
Because Mr Thiong’o had instructed that there should be no eulogies or crying at the graveside, mourners who could not control their emotions were escorted out of the compound.
Speaking after the burial, his widow, Rose Wambura, said her husband’s last wishes had been fulfilled.
“He was suffering from a throat infection and passed away on Tuesday. He had left written instructions that he wanted to be buried like in the olden days,” she said.
Mr Munyiri said that his brother had said he did not want a church burial.
He said they had buried their grandmother the same way.
Instead of flowers, sweet potatoes and a banana stem were planted on the grave.
“He wanted a traditional burial. I think he made the decision because he saw we are poor and could not have afforded a formal funeral,” Mr Munyiri said.


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