Video: Kenyan teen beats cancer and now most successful singer
Sixteen-year-old Seraphine Moipei’s confident smile says it all as she gets set to rock Bangalore . The Kenyan teenager knows what her smile is worth. She has successfully fought cancer to earn her life and on Wednesday , she is performing at the Holy Ghost Church near Fraser Town .
The performance could be a thanksgiving of sorts because it is in Bangalore that Seraphine battled the disease .
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Seraphine , a native of Nairobi , was diagnosed with grade II-III cancerous brain tumor two years ago . Then 14, she was a singer in the making . After timely treatment , Seraphine is now one of the most successful singers in Kenya .
“I was just 14 when I first developed health complications , leading to loss of memory . I couldn’t even walk straight sometimes . I used to apply shampoo on my hair and come out of the bathroom without washing it. I would be lost most of the time ,” she recalled .
“I was diagnosed with brain tumor on my pineal gland by a local doctor . They started treatment in Nairobi , but then one of my friends suggested that I visit the HCG cancer center in Bangalore . My friend’s father , too, was treated and cured of cancer at the centre ,” Seraphine said .
The girl was put on a combination of IGRT (Image guided radiation therapy ) and cyberknife treatment . “For six weeks she was treated here . Her tumor was completely removed . But we still have to do a check-up at least once a year . Brain tumor can resurface in two years . If she crosses this period , then chances of the tumor resurfacing are minimal ,” said Dr Sridhar PS , consultant , radiation oncology , HCG. “She will have to come for annual follow-ups for the next five years ,” he added .
“Seraphine’s illness came as a big setback for our family . But we encouraged her to fight back . We all used to talk positive things around her . We altered our diet to suit her requirements . We were living each day as it comes and appreciate the gain of that day ,” said Seraphine’s mother Christine , who is accompanying her daughter on her Bangalore tour . Who is she? Seraphine Moipei, 16, is part of the Moipei quartet, a classical music group. Her triplet elder sisters make up the remaining three. A gifted child, Seraphine’s singing has attracted many fans in her own country and across the world. The group was even made an ambassador for child rights by Unicef in 2010. She has also won popular singing awards in Africa.