Tsvangirai said the declaration by Zanu PF spokesperson Rugare Gumbo that the scheme is meant for party members only must result in electoral rebuke for Mugabe and his party from those disenfranchised from the scheme.
Tsvangirai said Zimbabwe’s toxic politics had created two groups of people; the oppressors and the oppressed.
“In this country there is this group that is oppressing others and the oppressed,” the MDC leader said.
“However, in the contest that is going on; the beauty of it all is that while the oppressors tire, the oppressed do not tire,” said Tsvangirai who has campaigned on Mugabe’s frail health and advanced age.
The MDC leader castigated the state-controlled media for undermining and belittling his office.
“I am not worried though, neither will I have sleepless nights about it. All I know is that I represent the aspirations of the oppressed people of Zimbabwe,” he said.
Tsvangirai’s wife Elizabeth called for peace in the run-up to and after the forthcoming elections.
“We must never forget that we are all children of Zimbabwe. As we go to elections we must campaign peacefully. There must be no violence,” Elizabeth said to deafening applause.