Tuesday, March 4, 2025

2013 Prophesy for Kenya by Ev. Teresia Wairimu

2013 Prophesy for Kenya by Ev. Teresia Wairimu
2013 Prophesy for Kenya by Ev. Teresia Wairimu

Theme of 2013 is Dawn: Readings Psalms 30; emphasis on verse 5. The year of dawn is a year of new beginnings

A tough election year ahead, anything that can go so wrong or it can be okay.Leadership needs to make a decision. With the new constitution it is not going to be easy, there will be hitches.

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Extremely hard time when it comes to agreements on crucial matters.
Political disputes will be the order of the day. Some will cause damages and division in the nation.
From now governance of this nation will be very difficult. As we vote let us remember they are our choices.
It is in the heart of God to empower Kenya which has a lot of potential but we have a problem of

hunger for power, greed, sabotage spirit, selfishness. It is a dark hour & strife ahead of us. Dawn

comes with shame. Whom do you choose, is it the usual leaders who have issues?

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There will be moments of shame, grieve, pain, abandonment, time of regret, disgrace, dangers,

tears are to come.

Kenya may miss its hour of visitation. We need to pray!
There will be huge fires burning in plan lands on the country side like wild fires. They want to set

farms on fire to burn food. They want to set the whole nation on fire.

There are evil plans of sabotage being planned by evil men in Kenya.
If we seek God we will find righteousness. We must guard our nation in prayer.
The church should unite. Divided we fall together we stand. The church is full of divisions,

corruption and church operation will become very hard to run in the days ahead if we don’t unite.

Pray that the wolves in the church be exposed in 2013.
There will be some organizations that will be shut in the days ahead.
The prophet saw one presidential candidate declare himself a winner before votes were counted.
Martha Karua in the vision told Kenyans not to panic in the vision because the votes were even

not counted. People were scared no one was on the highways. People were just in their houses.

Some leaders are trying to unite with neighboring countries to bring sabotage and buy weapons.
Pray for no interference from the neighboring countries.
There are people organizing for chaos before elections.
Slums are hot areas in coming few day before elections, (All slums- mathare,

korogocho, mukuru, kibera, kawangware etc).

There are plans to burn schools in the country especially in Coast and central areas.

It will be terrible if children are not united with their parents during the election period,

It’s good to let families unite during this time.

Let us pray to avoid a repeat of 2007 chaos. There are people who are idle, ignorant and

waiting for opportunity to strike but we can stop the violence before it begins.

If we pray this sentence can be reversed like in the case of Jews during the time of Queen Esther.

Read the book of Esther to understand.

You don’t have to tell anyone anything just pray because this war can only be won
on our knees as a nation.
13 in the pagan world stands for evil but in the Jewish calendar stands for transition period

of a boy child to Maturity. He is considered old enough to observe Sabbath,

to read torah, keep commandments etc. He is a young adult.

2013 Kenya ought to mature and be responsible.

This is the year of Dawn if we pray the decree can be reversed.

Church should not walk in fear and should we pray we shall send these politicians home for good.
If this happens there will be good days ahead of us.


Hi,  If you have not started praying……. start now.

Points on what Ev. Teresia Wairimu said yesterday. – She was shown Kenya burnt to ashes

(but God is able to give us beauty for ashes) This is possible if we pray.

  • The loser in the election will not accept defeat and will declare himself president and

be sworn in ( with the help of external forces ie U.S.A. and U.K)

  • Political parties are dividing Kenyans along tribal lines. – Injustice and corruption is so rampant in

Kenya (not pleasing God) – An Esther type of fast is the only one which can rescue Kenya.

  • A spirit of sabotage is across the land.


– February set aside as a month of fasting and prayer.  If you can fast the entire month…..

fast every saturday of February (dry fast)


2013 Prophesy for Kenya by Ev. Teresia Wairimu




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