Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Word of the Day:Let us all stand up for Jesus

Who said standing for Jesus was easy? It has never been easy and anyone who claims it is has not lived the sacrificial life of Christ. Standing up for Christ must cost you something. I am not talking about going to church and singing songs meant to pull a crowd, but not for the purposes of salvation. I am talking about living daily for Christ. I am talking about waking up in the morning to live for Christ Jesus; living for Him throughout your eight hour shift in your secular job and going to bed as a Christian. Anyone living truly for Christ in this age must feel uncomfortable by either the way you are perceived or by what surrounds you. Friend, get ready because the days of getting saved so you can live a comfortable life are coming to an end and we are entering real saints’ days just as in the days of the Apostles in the book of Acts. As you yield to the Spirit of the living God be open to what the Lord is doing with those who have surrendered to him in this hour, willing to forsake and lose all for the sake of the gospel.


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When we yield to God, He leads us in accomplishing what He wants accomplished. In yielding He tells us what He wants, why He wants it accomplished, who He wants to accomplish it through, what He wants to accomplish and when. Now we are in a season where many are asking what is God into in this season? What is happening on earth as the enemy has released fear and confusion on the many Nations of the world? Friend, I want to tell you that the Lord is strictly speaking a word to His chosen people. It is time for the church of Jesus Christ to stand up for Jesus; it is time for the church to move with God. It is time for God’s people to trust Him with our lives and for them to be known that they serve a mighty God, not by word, but by lifestyle.


God has put His fire in many of his children who have chosen to yield to Him in this season. It is a very exciting season and yet a season that only those who truly know their God will continue to experience His goodness. These are those He has given an unquenchable zeal by virtue of their constant prayer, hunger and thirst for righteousness. Many who for years have felt like outcasts in the body of Christ because they refused to compromise are dreaming dreams and seeing visions; His visions have become to them like fire shut up in our bones (Jeremiah 20:9). These visions are pulling the like-minded together; they are uniting as one people for only one reason “to win souls for the kingdom of God and do the will of God”. God has put in them a love for one another, to love the unlovable, to touch the untouchable, and to reach the unreachable for the sake of the Gospel. As days go by these individuals have come to know that it is not their doing but the Lord’s doing. There is an inner drive that puts them on their feet.

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As mega churches are shrinking, the Lord is doing a new thing. Prayer groups and home groups are springing in corporate offices and in schools among teachers who are believers; believers are being awakened. Many in the body are talking not about Bible studies, but more about getting together and praying. As this prayer movements continue and increase in number, they will drown the voice of the enemy over this land. There will be a nationwide spread of the fire of God. All across the nation, we will see the prisoners of sin set free; and we will see chains that bound many to drugs, alcohol and immorality set free for the glory of God. They will run into the safe arms of the Lord God. Many will be set free from the fear of witnessing the Gospel because divine boldness is coming to the body of Christ. America is going to break out in prayer. Just like when God called Gideon and said, “Go in this thy might. Have not I sent thee?” (Judges 6:14). God has released and is still releasing to those that have enlisted in His army, strength to match the tasks they have been assigned to. You must know that the ability He has provided is equal to the specific task He has assigned you. All you have to do is yield to His will; He who has called you is faithful. The same power that was in Jesus now resides in you; Jesus carried unusual strength because He was in the centre of God’s agenda for Him. Remember, He said: “I can of my own self do nothing.  As I hear, so, I do (John 5:30).


Many are abandoning what they once thought were important and instead are prioritizing theirs lives to align with the word of God. Many, who were captives of fear, worry, Mormon, and worldly pleasures, are turning to God. Many who have been disturbed by the status of the body of Christ have become like Nehemiah, they have the zeal to see the presence of God and his power in operation in this generation. They have been liberated by the spirit of God. They have found the secret Paul writes about in Galatians 5:25 says: “If we live in the Spirit; let us also walk in the Spirit”. It is by walking in the Spirit that they have found their freedom. It is by walking in the Spirit that fear has left their lives. It is by walking in the Spirit that they have joy unstoppable and peace unspeakable. In walking in the spirit they daily hear the words of the Apostle Paul encouraging them to press on. Paul said to Timothy, “7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day-and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

By Evangelist Isabella Mwango

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