When you go to a premise with a gate you always close the gate behind you. Some places even have very bold written instruction ‘Close the gate behind you,’ either for security or privacy reasons.
Our lives too have gates that need always to be closed. There are foxes all over looking for openings in our lives and if we do not close the gate, if we do not tie the loose ends, then the foxes will devour the garden.
So go back and close the gate before the foxes catch up with you. If there is a phone call you need to make and say “I am sorry”, go back and close that gate. If there is a project you started and you left it pending, go back and close that gate. If there is something you borrowed and you need to return, go back and close that gate. If there is a relationship you need to restore, you know the drill, go back and close the gate.
Before you move forward makes sure you have made things right so they do not drag you down in future. Jesus was so strict about the need to make things right that he told people not to give gifts to God until they first made things right with others (Mathew 5:23-24)
Pray and ask God to show you gates in your lives that need to be closed, so you or another person can move forward.
Songs of Song 2:15:Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.