Monday, March 3, 2025

Nyanza second in bhang smoking after Western says Nacada

THE National Authority for Campaign against Alcohol and Drug Abuse has raised an alarm over increasing rate of bhang abuse in Nyanza.

Nacada Nyanza regional manager Esther Okenye said the region is second in bhang smoking in Kenya. Okenye was speaking during Kisumu county choir competition on alcohol and drug abuse held at Social hall and attended by more than 200 youth.

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She said alcohol and bhang are the mostly abused drugs by youth in Nyanza. Okenye said the national statistics on drug and alcohol abuse stand at 13 per cent.

“This means that in every 100 people 13 are involved in drugs abuse,” she said. Okenye said there is need for sensitisation of youth on drugabuse adding that people between the ages of 15 and 65 are the most vulnerable.

She said Nacada has embarked on awareness creation through competition such as choir, music and ball games to bring youth together. Nacada is undertaking competitions targeting youth in Siaya, Kisumu, Nyamira, Migori, Kisii and Nyamira.

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During the competition Ngege Youth Group choir emerged the winner with the second position going to Kobala Youth Group from Homa Bay county.

The two groups will represent their counties at regional level before proceeding to national level. Okenye told the youth to desist from drug and alcohol abuse to engage in activities that will improve their lives.

The high rate of drug abuse in the six counties of Nyanza hinders development. “The youth should reduce the rate of drug abuse, roll up their sleeves and embark on rapid development,” shesaid . Okenye asked the youth to start up businesses saying the government is set to allocate funds to empower them.

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