we have the pleasure of requesting your company at our flagship African Women in Europe (AWE) Awards Ceremony to be held at Holiday Inn Kensington Forum,97 Cromwell Rd, London., on 29th June 2013 opened to both Men and Women to acknowledge achievements of our own.
African Women in Europe was founded by two Kenyan women Joy Zenz Founder (Based in Germany) and Wambui Njau Co-Founder (based in UK) and has over the years grown to a membership of over 700 African Women and a global reach. The women support, encourage and inspire each other while investing both in Europe and in Africa in support of African economic development. We have also had support from mainstream organizations and key individuals from across the spectrums who believe in the importance of African women’s engagement with African economic development and who are excited that we are doing it for ourselves.
we organise ourselves virtually throughout the year so that this amazing group of women have a forum through which to network, organize, share experiences and meet. Our main event of which we are extremely proud is the annual conference meeting, held in the main European cities such as the events that have taken place in Rome, Madrid, Paris, Berlin and will this year be held in London. These meetings have now grown and culminate in our flagship event, the high-profile African Women in Europe Awards, which recognizes excellence, now in its second year, and for which we have overwhelming support
Impact African women living in Europe has on Africa as a whole