Saturday, March 15, 2025

Word of the Day: Put Down Your Burdens

Word of the Day: Put Down Your Burdens
Word of the Day: Put Down Your Burdens

Looking at any race, all contestants wear light clothing, they do not carry any bag or luggage so as to run with a lighter step and be at a position to finish the race. The story of Alexander the Great is one that depicts the need to rid of baggage. As he led his army against their enemies it got to a point where it appeared that his troop might be defeated. The soldiers had carried with them so much plunder from their previous victories that they had become weighted down and were losing their effectiveness.

Alexander decided to take action and he commanded the soldiers to put all the plunder in a heap and burn them. The men complained bitterly but they later saw the wisdom of that drastic action because they could now walk lighter and their strength was renewed. If we are to run the spiritual race with endurance and fight the good fight of faith then we should put down whatever weight we have.

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As soldiers of Christ, we must rid ourselves of anything that hinders us in the conflict with our spiritual enemy. In Ephesians 6:11-17 we see the whole armor of God given to us and to fight the battle effectively we must be clad with it. Therefore if there is any weight we may have burdened ourselves with,it could be slavery to sinful passions, excessive desire for possessions or the captivating love of money, we need to lay it down and surrender wholly to God. Remember, if your Christian life is a drag, worldly weights may be holding you back.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
Hebrews 12:1

Word of the Day: Put Down Your Burdens

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