Thursday, March 13, 2025

Inspiration:Fresh Fire Prayer Births Revival

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions” (Joel 2:28)

Just before I travelled to Florida last week, we had gone to the prayer mountain with our ministry intercessors in Scotts Valley, which is considered the international prayer mountain of the world. I love frequenting this place. The Spirit of the Lord caused me to take note of what was going on in the prayer mountain. Although there were people of all ages praying, the majority were the younger generation. When I got out of the cabin to do a prayer walk in the trees, I met a group with a pastor from Brazil and we talked a little and he told me why he had come there with his intercessors. I joined his group for several minutes and we held hands and wept before our God. Amazingly, he was being driven by the same fire and same passion that is hitting the world at this time. There is fire and passion for intensified prayer that has been released by the Father. The key is, it has been initiated by the Father and it is not the work of man. This is His set time and no one is going to resist what He is doing because any time His set time comes, He must move. There is a gathering that has been in the works by the Lord himself; no human hand intervention or effort is involved. God has been moving and causing the hearts of men to be broken and sensitive to His need in this hour. There is a difference between when man seeks God and God responds to the seeker. Paul say in Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him”.

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Nonetheless, I am talking about God initiating something at His own set time. We are living in a prophetic set time and when His set time comes, no man can take credit for it because even those He uses will be channels that He moves through and will have no control of what He does through them. You see this in when the children of Israel had been in exile for a set time of 70 years according to Jeremiah 25:11-12; the 70 years begun in 605 BC. They lived in captivity without a temple, without feasts, sacrifices and rituals which were prescribed by the law. Cyrus the Persian overthrew Babylonians in 539 BC. Now see what God does. When this set time of captivity ended, God stepped in. He stirred heart of king Cyrus of Persia to let the children of Israel go back. God also moved in Egypt after the set time of 400 years. When his set time came, He caused an evil king to act to cause the upbringing of Moses. This is now the set time of the Lord in our lifetime. So just as God had to move in His set time to free His people from captivity, God is about to return His people from captivity of sin and being lukewarm to a place where we will worship God in truth. He is stirring hearts of men and women to preach the gospel of love with passion, causing them that are bound to be set free and those that have backslidden to be restored back.

So what is He doing and how is He moving?

Prayer groups are springing up in homes in a great number. Prayer teleconferences are being held in the entire globe daily throughout the day and nights. As they pray there is a shift occurring in the air. Powers of darkness are aware of the prophetic timing, but they cannot resist anymore because it is the set time. That is why you see more and more evil on earth, but the spirit of God is at work in a greater intensity. God is revealing himself in a new way in this prayer teleconferences and home group prayers. Prayer Mountains and forests are flooded with people who now come in groups. We are in realization that it is not a ‘me’ or ‘you’ thing anymore. It is not your church or our church or our ministry, but it is the kingdom of God that must come. It is not coming to one church, one nation, but to the all nations, and all tongues. God is calling us back to unity as a church. When we discover that God never does anything on earth unless His people pray, we will pray corporately. The Lord is about to do something big on earth and it is something we have not seen. He is awakening intercessors in different parts of the world and they are going to pray continuously in one mind and purpose.

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I am writing to encourage you to join a prayer group or a prayer teleconference that is praying the will of God on earth. Because we have no clue of how God is going to move, all we have to do is yield as He causes us to pray. Studying past revivals is good, but he is not going to move in the same way. I believe that God reveals himself to every generation in a unique way. The glory of the present church is going to be greater than the glory of the church in the book of Acts. Whatever God is about to do, is it greater than the great revivals of the past. Many of you have been reading about the glory of the former temple and previous moves of God and you say “the present church looks or seems to you like nothing. Be ready for the Lord is about to pour His Spirit upon all flesh, upon all people, all nationalities, every tribe and tongue. There is a greater work that has not been done in our cities and that needs to be done. There is a cleansing that is coming to church, the body of Christ. There is also fear and reverence for God, the Most High God that has begun to hit His people. The lying we have done from the pulpit is coming to the end. Every mimicking of his anointing, glory and move is being dealt with to give way for the true glory, and fresh fire and rain. I am so excited; I feel like I can relate with Elijah when he said I hear the sound of the rain.

God bless you, I hope to see you in our Weekly meetings where the spirit of God is moving powerfully and exposing every enemy. Come and hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. For more on these meetings and other ministry information call 1-408-833-6456 or visit us on the web at:

By Evangelist Isabella Mwango

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