Lee Pitts Live, the longest running live TV show in South-east USA, named a Kenyan teacher as the recipient of the Educator of the Year award for 2013.
Dr. Peter Ndiang’ui (Ed.D), the newly elected President of Africa Network of SW Florida, was honored due to his dedication in educating the youth and adults in both USA and Kenya.
Mwalimu, as he is fondly known, teaches Social Studies at Oasis High School in Fort Myers, Florida. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the College of Education in Florida Gulf Coast University.
In Kenya, he was the Dean at the prestigious St. Mary’s school in Msongari for 12 years up to 1997 when he migrated to USA. He is the current patron of Mathakwa-ini Primary School in Nyeri, Kenya.
This is one of the many awards that Mwalimu Ndiang’ui has received recently. In March this year, he was the recipient of the Torchbearer Award given by the World Harmony Run.
Past recipients of this prestigious award include Mother Theresa, Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, Carl Lewis among others. Mwalimu also won the Lighthouse Award for two years (2010 and 2011) and the NAACP educator award (2012).
We applaud you Mwalimu Ndiang’ui for all the great work you are doing there in Florida and in other parts of the world. You are a true ambassador of Kenya here in the USA.
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Atlanta Thanksgiving Youth Weekend 2013
You are invited to Atlanta thanksgiving weekend in Georgia November 29th to 1st December 2013.Speaker will be Jacob Gardner,Youth pastor and Worship leader at Gateway Christian Fellowship in Cedar Lake Indiana.All are welcome!
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Jacob Gardner was called into ministry at the young age of five. Since that time, he has carried the Gospel to four continents and eight different countries. God has placed upon his heart a desire to call the next generation to a place of accountability and intimacy in Christ, to challenge mindsets that are contrary to the mind of Christ, and to ignite a fiery hunger for more of Christ. His life has been marked by the supernatural with angelic visitations, prophetic encounters, and miraculous healings. He currently serves as the Worship and Youth Pastor at Gateway Christian Fellowship in Cedar Lake, IN.
Lee Pitts Live: Another Award for Kenyan teacher in Florida-Video