Saturday, September 7, 2024

Word of the Day:Be a builder of relationships

Have you ever asked yourself if you leave people drained or refreshed? If someone spent the whole day with you, what will their report be at the end of the day; will they be worn out or built up? Someone once said that there are three kinds of relationships those that are draining, neutral and refreshing.

Jesus experienced the three kinds of relationships, from those that exhausted his energy to casual contacts and also the refreshing ones that encouraged and uplifted his spirit. Friends who refresh and encourage are healthy for our lives.

How then do we relate to our friends, acquaintances and family members? We can add to their lives a measure of happiness by giving them a chance to talk, encouraging them and suggesting lifeโ€™s brighter side. To get the most out of a relationship, put all you can into it.

1st Thessalonians 5:11ย “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.โ€


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