Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Amazing Photos of Lupita Nyongo’s brother,Peter Nyong’o Jr

Lupita and brotherClinching award after award and bagging various nominations, the ’12 year a slave’ actress has already been given the nod by world renowned celebrities. By now, you assume you know everything about this beauty whose story has already been featured in the world’s most popular tabloids and interviews run in the world’s most popular shows. Born to a famous Kenyan politician, Professor Anyang Nyong’o and her very supportive mother , you assume you know everything until she decides to relaese her very handsome brother.

Yes! Lupita pulled a fast one when she appeared at the Palm Spring Film Festival where she scooped the Breakthrough Performance Award in the company of a dashing young man. His name is Peter and he is just eye candy for lack of a better word.
I might not agree with Lupita’s choice of attire for the occasion but the brother looked absoulutely dashing and the two made a great pair. Am just saying that Lupita’s dress was somewhat dull and made her look a little older but she still looked gorgeous.Enough of that, here is Lupita and Peter,

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Lupita and Peter

Lupita and Peter

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Lupita Peter

Lupita and Peter

Here is a funny meme she shared on her tumbler,

Lupita tumbler

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