Tuesday, March 4, 2025

3 Things That Can Keep Your Dream Alive

3 Things That Can Keep Your Dream Alive
3 Things That Can Keep Your Dream Alive

3 Things That Can Keep Your Dream Alive “WE ALL HAVE DREAMS … We all want to believe deep down in our souls that we have a special gift, that we can make a difference, that we can touch others in a special way, and that we can make the world a better place. At one time in our lives, we all had a vision for the quality of life that we desire and deserve. Yet, for many of us, those dreams have become so shrouded in the frustration and routines of daily life that we no longer even make an effort to accomplish them. For far too many, the dream has dissipated – and with it, so has the will to shape our destinies. Many have lost that sense of certainty that creates the winner’s edge.”     – Anthony Robbins

January, for many the month dryness – is over. Slowly we are recovering from the spending during the festive season, insurance policies and all the other financial obligations that came with a new year. I remember eavesdropping a phone conversation in an office in Kenya. The lady I was visiting excused herself to take the call.

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After some listening pauses interrupted by her questions, she turned down what may have been a “good deal” being offered by the caller. (Judging by the questions she asked) Reason to decline the offer; she had to pay school fees. As she ended the call she looked at me smiling and said:    “I have no children yet or school fees to pay, but that’s the only way to get some peace in January”.

I wasn’t sure what to make of that, but point is – everyone understands January is tough.  Business is down and many longingly wait for the month to end. With a sigh of relieve we embrace February and businesses that endured January dryness start making projections. The boost from Valentine’s Day sales is around the corner.  And so the year proceeds – Back to business as usual…

So how’s it going with you? Are you having a good “new” year so far or is it the same old tread mill and back to business as usual?

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Obviously business as usual is not a bad thing if you are satisfied with the status quo. But if not,  I hope you took advantage of the opportunity a New Year offers to make resolutions, set goals, and gather momentum after the holidays. Or have you forgotten the resolutions you made last month?

Monday the 20th of last month was a holiday in USA to celebrate the life and achievements of Martin Luther King Jr. The influential civil rights leader who had a dream and told the world about it in August 1963.

50 years later, it´s safe to say the world has experienced part of his dream. Yes – we still have way to go, but we don’t ride in colour segregated busses today. And that’s worth celebrating.

Speaking of dreams, allow me to ask you a question, do you have a dream? It may not be ending racial segregation, but what about your dream life, what does that look like? Maybe you dream of being the best mom to your kids, giving back to society, paying that university school fees so your gifted son can have the best education, enjoying a fulfilling marriage or making billions.

Can you see yourself having a dream 2014 year as some of your desires and prayers are fulfilled?

It´s possible! If you keep the dream alive and do what it takes to achieve it. Granted we may never fully achieve our wildest dreams or see then came to pass in our lifetimes. But if the vision is not self-centred and all about you, who knows, people may celebrate your life and dreams long after you’ve left planet earth. Just like we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr´s life and achievements.

We need you to dream, the world and the future may be waiting for your dream.


Below are 3 Things You Can Do To Keep Your Dream Alive.

1) Forget the Past – You can’t change where you have been, but you can change where you are going.

Maybe you cringed when I mentioned New Year’s goals and resolutions. You had some benchmarks for 2013 that did not materialize. So what?! Failure is a situation not a person. You are not a failure, you just failed at something and you can succeed next time.

What would become of a kid who was learning how to walk if they stayed down when they fell? Let’s learn from yesterday’s mistakes and make them as stepping stones of tomorrow’s victories. Today being February 1st would be a good day to re-strategize your year. We still have 11 months. A lot can change for the better.

2) Dare to Dream – You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. – C.S. Lewis

What about you; has life got you on such a rat race you have forgotten what it’s like to dream? Maybe you think you don’t have one, but I beg to differ. See dreams are like opinions and armpits :-) we all have some!

What is that thing that you would love to have, be, or do this year or in your lifetime? Think about it. If possible why not take some time right now or make a date with yourself and allow yourself to dream. Envision something you would love to achieve. Dare to dream again, and while you are it, go on and dream big, because we have a big God with whom all things are possible!

3) Write it Down – Write down the vision and make it plain.

If you actually gave your dreams a thought did you sense a flicker of excitement at the thought of them coming true? Great!

Now I am going to ask you to do something very important. Do yourself, mankind and God a big favour. Get a pen and paper or best get a notebook and write down your dream. Yes, physically get that dream out of your head and put it down on paper where you can actually look at it. Am not trying to tell you what to do, but please don’t talk yourself out of this important exercise with thoughts like, “This is unrealistic; how could I ever achieve this, or my dream is too big…” Just write your dream down without reasoning.

I hope you don’t miss out on this significant exercise. It may very well determine how you finish your 2014 and run your marathon of life.  Because as the book of wisdom says, “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” Habakkuk 2:2-3

It´s hard to run towards something you can´t see…


Wishing you a blessed and fruitful February!

By Nancy Gathecha

Copyright © Nancy Gathecha.

Get Nancy´s FREE Goals4Success E-workbook here:

3 Things That Can Keep Your Dream Alive

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