Friday, March 14, 2025

Diasporan Men who“Import”Wives from Villages in Africa like Royco

Diasporan Men who“Import”Wives from Villages in Africa like Royco
Diasporan Men who“Import”Wives from Villages in Africa like Royco

I spoke to a friend, a Kenyan who was ready to get hitched. And for him, he wanted to get himself a “Royco” (a girl from back home).

He’d met one during his last visit home, and he was sure she’d be the one, though somethings never added up.  But she’d already cuddled up to the guy’s parents and as with most of us, when your parents know the person you’re dating, it makes it harder for you to retreat.

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Then it hit the news, three Kenyan men in the US had murdered their wives. From insiders, all three had married “Roycos”. My friend had to rethink his strategy. What had happened?

Complaints were the same, the Royco was naive, obedient and submissive on landing but after going to nursing school and earning a few dollars, they’d all become dictators. My advice to the said friend was to get a lady from that part of the diaspora he was in, at least she’d understand when money ran short, or only one of them had a job or even the fact that going home on holiday can be a luxury that most can’t afford on a regular.

Luckily, Mr. Friend got his match (a diasporan) and lived happily ever after. (Although, even with a diasporan, there’s still no guarantee it will work it, but at least you eliminate the risk of someone eventually “learning about their rights and how the country works”).

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Unfortunately, the story isn’t the same with many people who remain persistent they want “Roycos” and when the Roycos change, the men can’t handle it.

By the way, this also happens to women, who decide they also want their own Royco who on arriving decide to pick somebody else. Unlike the men who decide to kill the women (or themselves), for the women, most simply commit suicide and we simply read they had been depressed and died on their own.

Anyhu, I got these few “case” stories and decided to share. Although the original stories mainly featured Nigerian men, we’ve had similar stories in our community it’s only that most of our stories haven’t been documented. Please note the stories have been altered to reflect the Kenyan community in Germany.

Case #1:

“Yes, I have killed the woman that messed up my life; the woman that has destroyed me. I am at Hemmersdorf. My name is David and I am all yours.” Those were David Ochola’s words during his 211 (Germany’s Emergency Number) call to authorities after shooting dead, his 28 years old wife, Priscilla Ochola, in Rehlingen-Siersburg ‎, Saarland. The 50-years old, husband was tired of being “disrespected” by his wife, a Geriatric Nurse (Altenpflegerin) whom he had brought from Kenya and sponsored through nursing school only to have her make much more than him in salary – a situation which led to Mrs. Ochola “coming and going as she chose without regard for her husband.” The couple had two children – four years old boy and a three year old girl.

Case #2:

In NRW, Benson Okello had been separated from his wife, Fancy Okello with whom he resided at their Münster home. Upon the divorce, the husband lost the house to his wife, along with most of the contents therein, as is usually the tradition in German Divorces where the couple still has underage children. Mr. Okello, 48, divorced his wife because not long after she became a nurse (Krankenschwester KS) and made more money than him, she “took control” of the family finances and “controlled” her husband’s expenditure and movement. The husband could no longer make any meaningful contribution to his family back in Kenya unless the wife “approved” it. He could not go out without her permission. Frustrated that his formerly malleable wife had suddenly become such a “terror” to him to the point of asking for in court and getting virtually everything for which he had worked since coming to Germany thirty years prior, the husband got in his vehicle and drove a few hundred kilometres to Münster to settle the scores. He found her in her SUV, adorned in full African attire on her way to the birthday bash organized in her honor. She had turned 46 on that day. Mr. Okello fired several rounds into his wife’s torso while she sat at the steering wheel, mercilessly killing her in broad daylight.

Joseph Mbu, 50, was tired of his KS wife’s “serial disrespect” of him. The disrespect began as soon as she became a KS. Gloria Mbu, 40, had once told her husband he must be “smoking crack cocaine” if he thought he could tell her what to do with her money now that she made more money than him. Before she became a KS, Mr. Mbu had been very strict with family finances and was borderline dictatorial in his dealings with Mrs. Mbu. However, Mrs. Mbu learned the German system and would no longer allow any man to “put her down.” When Joseph Mbu could not take it anymore, he subdued his wife one day, tied her to his vehicle and dragged her on paved roads all around Neundorf until her head split in many pieces.

Diasporan Men who“Import”Wives from Villages in Africa like Royco

Diasporan Men who“Import”Wives from Villages in Africa like Royco


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