Saturday, September 7, 2024

Man Deported from Germany Over Attempted Murder Charges

 Man Deported from Germany Over Attempted Murder Charges
Man Deported from Germany Over Attempted Murder Charges

A man has been deported to Kenya from Germany to serve his sentence for attempted murder.

According to Berliner Zeitung, a German newspaper, the man identified as Jefeth W., was deported on Wednesday.

“He has been released and taken home (to Kenya)”, Salome S, Jefeth’s mother, said.

Jefeth came to Germany in 2002 with his mother and has been living in Berlin.

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According to witnesses who testified in court, Jefeth and three others attacked a German at the U-Bahnhof Lichtenberg, in Berlin in February 2011.


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At the time, Jefeth was 17 years old while the other three from Kosovo, Iraq and Bosnia ranged from 15-18.

During the hearing, Jefeth was identified as the main culprit and the mastermind of the incident.

They were caught on CCTV cameras attacking Steffen O., 30, a painter who was on his way home with a friend at around 11:30pm.

The court was told that the friend managed to escape but Steffen was not so lucky as the four boys kicked him on the head, called him names and kept shouting: “We hate Germans.”

They then left him for dead after stealing his cell phone and wallet.


The unconscious painter was found laying on a platform by passers-by who called the police. He survived but was in a coma for four months.

Police said the four have been arrested before over similar incidents.

Jefeth’s girlfriend testified that he kept on boasting about the incident before he was arrested.

He was sentenced to six years in juvenile detention for two counts of attempted murder, aggravated assault and insulting the victim.

The Bosnian got four years, the Iraqi five and a half years and the Kosovo national 4 years and 9 months.


Man Deported from Germany Over Attempted Murder Charges

The U-Bahnhof Lichtenberg, in Berlin. Photo | GOOGLE MAPS


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