Friday, July 26, 2024

Six charged at Migori court for heckling Uhuru

MIGORI CHAOS-3Six people suspected to have participated in disrupting President Uhuru Kenyatta’s rally on Monday this week have been charged at a Migori Court.

Yesterday, the six faced a single charge of causing disturbance before Migori Principal Magistrate Edwin Nyaga.

The accused, Geoffrey Owuor, Ahmed Ramadhan Jeffar, Antony Ochieng’, Kennedy Omondi, Geoffrey Odhiambo and Fred Omondi denied the charges and pleaded not guilty.

State counsel Kenneth Kiruai told the court that the six had been positively identified as having committed the offence that plunged the presidential rally into chaos.

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In their defense, however, the suspects’ lawyer Rodgers Abisai dismissed the charges as flimsy and lacking proper evidence.

“There is no clear evidence incriminating these people of the said charges, your honor,” Abisai said.

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The mood was pensive as the accused’s supporters jammed the court room for the proceedings.

Magistrate Nyaga later released the accused on a cash bail of Sh5,000 with a surety of the same amount each until October 1 when the case will be heard again by the same court.

Police officers had earlier brought the accused in under tight security as thousands of wananchi including relatives thronged the court.

President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Monday rally was cut short after rowdy youth heckled and threw shoes, chairs and other items towards the dais targeting Migori governor Okoth Obado.

The incident has thus far drawn a lot of condemnation from all over the country.


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