Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Kenyatta University Student is new Miss World Kenya

Kenyatta University Student is new Miss World Kenya
Kenyatta University Student is new Miss World Kenya

Idah Nguma, a 22–year-old marketing student at Kenyatta University, is the new Miss World Kenya after felling 24 finalists at a colourful gala held at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre in Nairobi.

The beauty queen will be Kenya’s representative to the 64th edition of the Miss World pageant to be held on Sunday December 14 at ExCeL London in England.

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“I am so happy, I can’t express my joy,” said a tear-soaked Ms Nguma on receiving the crown from the incumbent Wangui Gitonga before a packed venue.

The final-year student is also the reigning Miss Machakos County.

Photogenic award

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Hot on her heels was Miss Kirinyaga County, 21-year-old Wangeci Wachira – a second-year diploma in Business Management student who went with the first-runner-up goodies. Ms Wachira’s agemate Miss Bungoma County, Lucy Muindi Amtalla, took the third position.

The newly-crowned Miss World Kenya walked away with Sh1 million from East Africa Breweries Ltd and a brand new Vitz. She is to use the car for her project in raising awareness on breast and cervical cancer among other philanthropic causes.

“It wasn’t an easy decision because all contestants were talented in their own way but we had to give a mix of what Kenyans consider as beauty and what the world expects as beautiful,” said franchise holder and a member of the 2014 jury Terry Mungai.

Other winners of the Saturday night event included Miss Kajiado County Muhemi Margaret Wanjiru who won the Miss Photogenic award.

“The girl just appears and the pictures click away automatically,” joked the MC of the day and television comedian who kept the audience alive.

Miss Kilifi County Nasrina Faris bagged the Miss Talent award in the presence of Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi who was in attendance together with his daughter.

Impress judges

Sophia Mwagogo from Taita Taveta County impressed in her cultural wear, bagging Sh10,000 from Universal Real Concepts CEO Onesmus Mutwiri.

Philip Oketch who heads the Oxygen Media was in hand to present a Sh10,000 cheque to Miss Narok County Nabaya Ntete for winning the Miss Congeniality award.

Twenty-year-old University of Nairobi student Anab Halake impressed the panel of judges including Sahmin Nabil, Luigi Spinola, Sally Karago and Stevie Price, with her readiness to learn and learn fast as they bequeathed her with the Most Transformed award.

The contestants, apart from cat walking, had to answer questions to show they were not only beautiful but also are knowledgeable and while some stumbled others came out unscathed.

The beauty pageant kicked off two hours later than scheduled, and was bogged down with slack in the programme ending at 4.30am – four hours after the scheduled closure.

In an evening meant to showcase Kenya, attendants felt the event failed to conceptualise this aspect when the DJ selected non-Kenyan music.

Similarly, music accompanying cultural wear from various counties was mixed up with discordant choice marring a smooth flow and denying the guests high fidelity messaging.

For instance when Miss Taita Taveta County hit the stage with Mijikenda traditional attire, the music being played was Kikuyu musician Musaimo’s lyrics and this was the same to all participants.

“I think the DJ should have done better,” quipped the former Miss Nanyuki Charity Mwangi who was one of the guests.

After this, Kenyans are gearing up for Miss Tourism Kenya scheduled for early December at the same venue.

“Ours will be to showcase the rich cultural resources and the beauty of our counties to promote local tourism,” said the Miss Tourism Kenya National Director Alice Kamunge.

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