Friday, July 26, 2024

I Spent Sh30 million a Month on ICC Case-Francis Muthaura

I Spent Sh30 million a Month on ICC Case-Francis Muthaura
I Spent Sh30 million a Month on ICC Case-Francis Muthaura

Former Head of Public Service Francis Muthaura has finally spoken about his expenditure while attending court sessions at The Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC) where he had been charged with crimes against humanity.

Mr Muthaura claims he spent Sh30 million a month on his ICC case for the 27 months his case was on, before he was found with no case to answer, leading to the collapse of his case in March last year.

He told The Standard on Sunday the case caused him immense mental anguish, as he sought to clear his name.

He spoke during the launch of a foundation named after him. At the event held at the foundationโ€™s offices in Kilimani, Nairobi, an emotional Muthaura recounted the events of what he called โ€œthe notorious Ocampo announcementโ€ of December 15, 2010.

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On that day, Muthaura was named in a list of six suspects most responsible for post-election violence of 2008 by former ICC Prosecutor Moreno Ocampo. โ€œI will never forget that day when I called you, friends and colleagues, at Harambee House to ask you to assist me financially,โ€ he said referring to former PSโ€™s Dr Romano Kiome, Dr Bitange Ndemo, Dr Cyrus Njiru, Thuita Mwangi and former spy chief Michael Gichangi who attended the launch.

The case ran from December 15, 2010 to March 10, last year, when current prosecutor Fatou Bensouda dropped the charges.

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Fund raiser

He said the PSโ€™s appealed to former President Kibaki and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga for government help as they joined friends to raise funds. He said the appeal was โ€œpositiveโ€.

โ€œThe international lawyers are extremely expensive but at the end of the day you feel they have earned their money. They do their work well and without them you find yourself with pro-bono lawyers and before you know it you are in alot of problems,โ€ he said.

Muthaura paid special tribute to his childhood friend Silas Kobia, his daughter Susan and Koome Kobia, who ran the fundraising accounts. By the time the case was over, a surplus of Sh80 million lay idle in the account. Muthaura said he first suggested that the money be refunded to the people who donated it before the foundation idea came up.

He said the experiences he went through inspired him to start the foundation, which will promote advanced education in diplomacy, public dialogue, leadership and related areas.

Glowing tribute

Kenyatta University Vice Chancellor Prof Olive Mugenda launched foundation which has this year offered eight masters and two Phd scholarships.

She paid a glowing tribute to the former Head of Civil Service and Secretary to the Cabinet, descibing him as humble and committed leader.

โ€œI am glad Ambassador Muthaura did not think of buying a piece of land or bigger car like many of us would. This is exemplary and we need to change the culture and give more than we take,โ€ Prof Mugenda said.

Chairman of Public Service Commission Prof Margaret Koobia, Africa Nazarene University Vice Chancellor Prof Leah Marangu and former anti-graft Czar, now a judge in East Africa Court of Justice Aaron Ringera attended the launch.

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