Kenya: Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has said he will make another bid for the presidency in the 2017 General Election.
But Raila, speaking during a morning talk show at a vernacular radio station yesterday, said his candidature would be subject to consultations within the CORD family.
“In all my presidential bids, it is known that I have only been defeated once during the 1997 General Election. I must remain to tell Kenyans that the person who wins the contest becomes the President,” Raila declared yesterday.
He added: “Nothing can stop me from vying for President in future elections. If Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) clears me to vie in 2017, then I will be in the ballot.”
This is the first time Raila has publicly declared his intention to launch a fourth stab at the top office, a move intended to dispel fear among his supporters that he is likely to back another candidate.
Previously, the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) principal has been non-committal on his future s after losing the 2013 contest to President Uhuru Kenyatta.
Recent developments have signalled Raila’s intention to be on the presidential ballot in the next elections, including initiating leadership change in his ODM party and quelling fallouts in his strongholds.
However, other CORD principals have also declared their quest to be the country’s next Head of State.