A senior police office was yesterday put on the spot over his wife’s bank balance during the vetting of senior police officers from the South Rift.
Isiolo police boss Peter Ndubi was asked to explain how more than Sh2 million ended up in his wife’s bank account between March and August 2013.
He was appearing before a vetting panel chaired by the National Police Service Commissioner Murshid Mohamed.
Ngugi said the money had been sent by his cousin and his cousin’s wife to help them construct a rental house for them in Ruai, Nairobi.
“I get my income from my salary. I also have six plots in various towns, one of which gives me Sh30,000 every month,” he said.
Ngugi said his cousin and wife in the US have also been sending Ngugi’s family money to help the cousin buy land and construct rental houses in Ruai.
Most officers who have been so far vetted with the NPSC asked the commission to consider transferring officers who have served in one particular area for more than 20 years.
“The move will give way for accommodation of fresh officers with combat skills,” said Francis Kamau, who is in charge of the Anti-Stock Theft Unit operation in Kapedo, Baringo county.
He said there are many officers in operation zones who have stayed in such areas for up to 25 years without being transferred.
“Such officers should be deployed to general duties,” he said.