The Kenya police has confirmed arresting two terror suspects in Bungoma town who said they were headed to Uganda from Mtwapa in Mombasa.
The two – Onesmus Dennis Mulli and Destereo Oduor – were found to be in possession of digital cameras, four mobile phones and eight phone chargers, Bungoma county police boss Mohamed Maalim told journalists.
They were headed to Mbale town.
Only yesterday (Wednesday August 12) police arrested two other people in Nyamira taking photos of buildings in the town and were transferred to the anti-terror police unit in Kisumu.
Authorities in the country have been on alert to root out terrorists in the country following a spate of attacks in different parts.
There have been reports of the islamic militants recruiting in different parts of the country.
Uganda suffered a terror attack in 2010 where 74 people died in Kampala as they watched World Cup at a stadium in the city.
The two – Onesmus Dennis Mulli and Destereo Oduor – were found to be in possession of digital cameras, four mobile phones and eight phone chargers, Bungoma county police boss Mohamed Maalim told journalists.
They were headed to Mbale town.
Only yesterday (Wednesday August 12) police arrested two other people in Nyamira taking photos of buildings in the town and were transferred to the anti-terror police unit in Kisumu.
Authorities in the country have been on alert to root out terrorists in the country following a spate of attacks in different parts.
There have been reports of the islamic militants recruiting in different parts of the country.
Uganda suffered a terror attack in 2010 where 74 people died in Kampala as they watched World Cup at a stadium in the city.
The two – Onesmus Dennis Mulli and Destereo Oduor – were found to be in possession of digital cameras, four mobile phones and eight phone chargers, Bungoma county police boss Mohamed Maalim told journalists.
They were headed to Mbale town.
Only yesterday (Wednesday August 12) police arrested two other people in Nyamira taking photos of buildings in the town and were transferred to the anti-terror police unit in Kisumu.
Authorities in the country have been on alert to root out terrorists in the country following a spate of attacks in different parts.
There have been reports of the islamic militants recruiting in different parts of the country.
Uganda suffered a terror attack in 2010 where 74 people died in Kampala as they watched World Cup at a stadium in the city.