Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Word of encouragement: The Donkey In The Well

Word of encouragement: The Donkey In The Well
Word of encouragement: The Donkey In The Well

“Your rock bottom, can become the solid foundation on which you rebuild your life” – JK Rowlings

Dear Diaspora Messenger reader,
I missed inspiring you. Yes it´s been a while…,
Live By Design Radio has been off air for a bit, but we are back with season #2.
Adversity came knocking on my family doors but with God there is always hope. I was down, but not out…

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Sometimes life throws us problems that knock the wind off our sails. But as long as we don´t give up and take it lying down the storms of life come and go.

Tough times don´t last, but tough people do. The key is to resist a victim mindset, and instead choose to press through the problems optimistically.

Tune in to this hadithi episode and discover what a donkey, a farmer and an old well can teach us about overcoming challenging situations in life.

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At the end there is a special CD download gift that you can claim for free. If you like the podcast, why not share with your friends? Claim your MP3 download here today:

Nancy Gathecha is passionate about inspiring to women achieve their potential.
Visit her website:

Word of encouragement: The Donkey In The Well

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