Thursday, March 6, 2025

Raila At the Coast For Fidel Odinga Road Launch

RailaOPPOSITION chief Raila Odinga will not play politics when he jets into Mombasa for the official opening of a road named after his fallen son Fidel today.

His spokesman Dennis Onyango yesterday said Raila will not visit Malindi constituency to campaign for ODM candidate Willy Mtengo as widely expected, but will “strictly preside over” only the Fidel Odinga Road opening in the Nyali area.

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Onyango’s statement dashes the hopes of Kilifi county ODM officials, including vice-chair Teddy Mwambire, who had hoped the party leader would soon visit the political battlefield of Malindi to boost the Orange party campaigns after President Uhuru Kenyatta’s spirited lobbying for Jubilee’s Philip Charo last week.

“The party leader will obviously be in Mombasa tomorrow evening or Wednesday morning for the opening of the new Fidel Odinga Road, but will not visit Malindi as expected,” said Onyango.

The road is the realization of Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho’s promise to name one road in the county in honour of Fidel at his burial in Bondo early last year.

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According to Onyango, Raila will fly back to Nairobi soon after the naming of the road ceremony, so as to prepare to move to his Bondo rural home for the annual Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Memmorial Service this weekend.

“We know that many expect him in Malindi for campaigns, but, unfortunately, he has to fly back almost immediately after the naming of Fidel Odinga Road,” he said.

Raila was expected to talk politics in a damage control strategy, following President Kenyatta’s longest stay at the Coast, where he dished out many goodies in several counties in a manner likely to sway residents to vote Jubilee at the 2017 General Election.

Throughout President Kenyatta’s month-long stay, Joho and Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi found themselves on the receiving end from Jubilee politicians, including Nairobi Senator Mike Mbuvi Sonko, after claiming they had been snubbed by the head of state.

Raila At the Coast For Fidel Odinga Road Launch

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