Monday, March 3, 2025

‘Mpango wa Kando’, poor English emerge in ongoing police vetting

Mpango wa Kando, poor English emerge in ongoing police vetting
‘Mpango wa Kando’, poor English emerge in ongoing police vetting: Sergeant John Maloba from Diani traffic offices who admitted to be having Mpango wa kando.Photo/ELKANA JACOB

‘Mpango wa Kando’, poor English: Majority of the traffic police officers facing the vetting panel in Mombasa cannot express themselves in English.

The vetting commission has also established that several officers have “mpango wa kando” (an affair outside their marriages) arrangements to safeguard properties since they “fear” their spouses.

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Led by National Police Service chairman Johnston Kavuludi, the vetting panel is keenly scrutinising the academic and professional qualifications of traffic officers.

Sergeant John Maloba from Diani traffic offices admitted to be having a “mpango wa kando” who owns a charcoal business.

Mpango wa Kando’, poor English

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When put to task over the arrangement by commissioner Ronald Musengi, Maloba admitted to fearing his wife “in safeguarding my properties”. He said he got into the arrangement so that he could save through other means.

Officers who underwent vetting also experienced difficulty communicating in English.

Most of the officers used Kiswahili when responding to queries from the vetting panel.

Among those unable to express themselves in English were Quaking Police Constable Pauline Wanjiku from Mtwapa weighbridge, Corporals George Mawai, and Patrick Mwango.

Kavuludi urged them to either join learning institutions because it’s a mandatory for traffic officers to be fluent in English and Kiswahili.

“It’s for your good purpose to fluently speak both languages,” he said. “Either you back to learning institutions or seek alternatives.”

Vetting of traffic officers in Mombasa will continue for one more week before moving to other regions.


‘Mpango wa Kando’, poor English emerge in ongoing police vetting

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