Monday, March 3, 2025

President Uhuru Kenyatta reorganises State departments

President Uhuru Kenyatta reorganises President Uhuru Kenyatta reorganises State departments: Devolution and Planning Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri has now taken over control of multi-billion regional authorities that were previously under the Ministry of Environment and Natural resources headed by Judi Wakhungu.

Mr Kiunjuri will now handle Tana and Athi River, Lake Basin Development, Kerio Valley, Ewaso Nyiro North and South and Coast development authorities.

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He is among the three Cabinet Secretaries who benefited greatly from this month’s reorganization of the government by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Other Cabinet Secretaries are Adan Mohamed (Industrialization) and James Macharia (Transport and infrastructure).

The three Cabinet secretaries have received additional State departments despite having some of the key departments and institutions, a confirmation of President Kenyatta’s confidence in their leadership.

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“The government will be organized in line with the constitution of Kenya as outlined herein. The order contains portfolio responsibilities and changes made in the structure of government. The order supersedes executive order No2/2013,” said the document.

Mr Mohamed will also now handle the International Trade which was previously under the foreign affairs Ministry headed by Amina Mohamed.

He also handled state departments for investment and industry with Principal Secretary as Julius Korir, Co-operatives with Ali Noor Ismail as the PS and Dr Chris Kiptoo being PS Trade.

Mr Macharia has been added State Department for Housing and Urban Development which was previously being handled by Jacob Kaimenyi at the lands ministry.

The PS for department Ms Aida Munamo will now report to Mr Macharia.

Other departments under him with PSs are: Nyakera Irungu (transport), John Mosonik (infrastructure), Nancy Kirigitu (Maritime and shipping) and Paul Mwangi (public works).

Prof Kaimenyi has now been left with Lands and physical planning whose principal secretary is Ms Mariamu El Maawy.

However, Mr Kiunjuri has lost the Vision 2030 Secretariat which was under planning Department and has now been moved to the Presidency.

The changes are contained in under Executive Order No. 1/2016 that has overhauled Executive Order No2/2013 released by the Presidency in May.

The Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries ministry headed by CS Willy Bett will have a new department to be referred to as Fisheries and blue economy headed by the PS Micheni Ntiba.

There are no major changes in the Office of the President, which has both the President and the Deputy President, and in the ministries of Interior and Coordination of National Government, Defence and National Treasury.

President Uhuru Kenyatta reorganises State departments

However, the Office of the Deputy President has been officially removed and, instead, been consolidated with that of the Presidency.

Under the Presidency, President Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto will have direct control of National Security Council and National Security Advisory Committee.

National Counter-Terrorism Centre which were previously under Interior ministry, National Intelligence Service, State Corporations Advisory Committee, National Economic and Social Council, Kenya South Sudan Liaison Office, Vision 2030 Board, Power of Mercy Committee, Kenya International Boundaries Office, President’s Delivery Unit, Directorate of National Cohesion and Values, Northern Corridor Integration Projects Office and Inspectorate of State Corporations are others under the presidency.

Under this arrangement, Mr Kenyatta is at the top followed by Mr Ruto, then chief of Staff and head of public service Joseph Kinyua, Secretary to the Cabinet, Deputy Chief of Staff Nzioka Waita, state House comptroller Lawrence Lenayapa, private secretary Jomo Gecaga, principal administrative Secretary Stephen Kirogo and State House spokesperson Manoah Esipisu.

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