A gang of six men was caught on camera robbing a Nairobi shop located at Vision Plaza building along Mombasa road.
The robbery which took place in almost 6 minutes on Thursday was reportedly carried out in an electronic shop at Vision Plaza and the thugs allegedly made away with Sh500,000 and other valuable including phones and laptops.
In the recording one gang member is seen entering a small room where two ladies who are vicibly frightened immediately fall to the floor.
Armed Gang
The man who seemingly is holding a gun in one hand ransacks drawers in the shop collecting money that had been stashed away.
He also picks a black box in the drawers believed to be a safe before joining his crew in another room where the robbery was continuing.
In the next room which is a bit large,r the armed gang is caught terrorising several people who were going about their duties at their work stations.
After the thievery the thugs are seen running easily from the building.
The public has been urged to give any information on the thieves caught on the CCTV recording to the authorities.