Friday, July 26, 2024

Police use teargas to disperse Cord supporters at end of Nairobi rally

TeargasPolice fired teargas to disperse Opposition supporters at the end of a rally at Uhuru Park in Nairobi on Wednesday, a Reuters witness said.

It was not immediately clear what prompted the action as the rally had been approved , but witnesses said crowds started looting when the meeting was concluded.

“This compelled police to disperse them. They were becoming rowdy,” one told the Star on phone.

Earlier Wednesday, Deputy President William Ruto said Kenyans cannot make decisions over a cup of tea or though street protests clouded by teargas .

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He spoke during the government’s 53rd Madaraka Day celebrations at Afraha Stadium in Nakuru.

Ruto was referring to Cord protests for the forceful removal of IEBC commissioners, that have taken place every Monday for the past month.

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But Cord leader Raila Odinga, in his address at parallel celebrations at the park, said they were “ready for teargas” in their quest for the IEBC to be disbanded.

Police have uses teargas and water canon to disperse Opposition leaders and their supporters during past protests.

Last Monday, police fired teargas at a convoy of vehicles carrying Cord leaders and their supporters who accompanied it on foot.

A water cannon truck later chased the cars in the convoy out of Nairobi CBD on Monday afternoon.

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