Sunrise 9/11/1992 Sunset 9/5/2016
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing away of Kenny Munyiri of Baltimore. Kenny was son to Rosemary Wachira and Stephen Munyiri both of Baltimore. He was brother to Joi Munene, Janet Munyiri and Erica Nelson all of Baltimore. He was brother in-law to Tony Munene, uncle to Alex Mwangi and cousin to Susan Mwangi, Michelle and Kamau Ngarega.
Kenny was an student at Morgan State University, School of Engineering.
Family and friends are meeting daily at 3477 Hillsmere Rd, Baltimore, MD 21207 from 6:30 pm. On this Sunday 9/11/16 prayers will be held at St Thomas Church1108 Providence Rd Towson 21286 at 4pm.
Memorial service will be held on Saturday 9/17/16 at 4pm at the same location.
Funeral details to be announced.
For information:
Pastor Isendi, (410) 908-7903
Baba Githinji, 4439296685
Baba Mwaura ,4104099340
Julie Weche,410-303-3335
Janet (443-902-5792)
Joi (301-804-7111)
Tony (301-804-7053)
Erica (410-409-4576)
Thank you as you stand with this family during this difficult time.