Tuesday, March 4, 2025

VIDEO:4 Things Kenyans Flying Abroad Should Know

jkia_2Flying outside Africa is usually an interesting and exciting experience most people look forward to – even if just for a short trip or permanent stay.

Nonetheless, every Kenyan ought to be equipped with some proper knowledge to ensure their stay in the new world is easy.

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1. Weather

Travelling away from the equator where the tropical climate is quite pleasant and moving into other regions could be a shocker for anyone born and raised in Kenya.

This is more so during the harsh seasons of winter and summer which are characterised by extreme weather conditions – rarely witnessed in the tropical regions.

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2. Food

When you take a trip to a foreign land, among the culture shocks you’re bound to encounter is food – some of the cuisines you’ll come across will be hard for you to consume let alone sickening. For instance, imagine being served some dog stew somewhere in China or you just landed in India where food is highly spiced with chilli accompanying almost every meal.

This could explain the witty tales of Kenyans abroad who ask their visiting relatives to carry Royco cubes and Ujimix.

3. Hair

For ladies just know salons in Western countries are extremely expensive. If you want to braid your hair you could end up spending thousands of shillings. Therefore, if you are on a tight budget and still want to braid learn how to do it yourself.

For the men, a visit to the barber shop could see you part with quite some high amount compared to what is considered expensive back at home.

4. WorldRemit

This is an important money transfer mobile phone application every Kenyan going abroad should download on their smartphone.

WorldRemit allows you to help your family and friends financially despite the long distance separating you.

Unlike other existing cash transfer platforms, when one sends money using WorldRemit, it goes directly to the receiver’s phone at affordable rates.

It is convenient as it is available 24/7 and also ensures that your money is secure.

A 20-year-old Kenyan lady who has her family leaving in the UK divulged in an interview that through WorldRemit, she has been able to pay her school fees, bills and maintenance expenses using the money they send.

“My family are the ones who introduced me to WorldRemit. They started sending money. You get your cash immediately. You get your confirmation messages immediately,” she said.

You can get WorldRemit on Google Play Store or App Store absolutely free of charge.

Download today to enjoy the service and make a difference in your family.

Here is an interesting video of two sisters separated by distance but united by WorldRemit:

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