CORD leader Raila Odinga on Tuesday seemingly embarrassed himself after he confused the wife of his co-principal Kalonzo Musyoka with another woman. Speaking during the Wiper National Delegates Conference at Kasarani Gymnasium, Odinga made a wrong move when he turned on the podium to address a delegate as the Musyoka’s wife.
“Mheshimiwa Kalonzo Musyoka na bibi yake mama yuko pale. Wamefanya kazi mzuri zaidi. Pongezi sana mama kwa kazi ambayo mmefanya,” Odinga said leaving the crowd confused.
Loosely translated as: “Honourable Kalonzo Musyoka and his wife who is here have done a great job. Congratulations ma’am for the wonderful work”.
The awkward moment prevailed for a few seconds before the former Prime Minister realised that he was not addressing Pauline Kalonzo.
“Pole sana huyo siyo mama. Nilikuwa nasema mama Pauline wamefanya kazi muhimu zaidi kwakusimama pamoja na sisi haswa mimi wakati tumekuwa na shida kubwa zaidi (I am so sorry she is not the one. I was referring to ma’am Pauline who has supported us especially me during the difficult times),” the CORD chief apologised.
During the event, Mr Odinga congratulated Kalonzo for his endorsement as the Wiper Presidential candidate as well as his efforts towards forming a strong opposition.
“I particularly wish to congratulate the Wiper Leader my brother and co-principal in CORD Hon Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka for his endorsement to be the party’s presidential candidate and for the stamina, focus and dedication driven by the pain for Kenya that has seen him steer Wiper into a formidable Opposition force against tremendous odds.”
Here is the video: