Friday, March 14, 2025

2017 Polls:Why do we need an election in Kenya?

Can anyone help me understand why we need an election in Kenya. If parliament cannot transact the business for which it exists why do we need parliament? From what I see happening in Kenya it seems to me that political parties and not elected or appointed members of national constitutional institutions bodies think of themselves as the bonafide representatives of the people.

Consider for example, the Kenya opposition parties action on IEBC. They forced the president to concede to their demands to replace the electoral commission because the opposition did not trust the commission. Yet even after agreeing to have the commission replaced, the opposition is still screaming that IEBC cannot be trusted.

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The opposition leaders led masses to the streets and disrupted daily lives for many Kenyan for selfish reasons. These opposition leaders seems to have only one agenda–that is disrupting the current leadership with the hope that will help them win.

This is an unjust and a primitive approach to politics. Unfortunately we have religious leaders who appear to side with and enable this troubling opposition behavior. For example, the National Council of Churches of Kenya and Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims who are urging the president not to sign the electoral law that was recently passed by parliament instead of condemning the opposition leadership for calling for mass action.
It is important to put things in perspective. Those fighting the former president Moi regime had valid reasons to do. It was necessary to go to the streets because the country had no independent judiciary. Today we have an independent judiciary and a president that respects the rule of law. That was the reason the opposition leaders went to court to stop parliament from passing the new electoral laws.

By calling for mass action the opposition is demeaning the very judiciary they ran too simply because the court did not side with them. Had the court sided with them they would by now be calling for mass action because the government led by the president had disobeyed a court order.

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But the opposition leaders are calling for mass action under the pretense that the Jubilee administration is ignoring the will of the people. This begs the question “which people?” Are the opposition leaders telling us that those who support the government are not people?
My hope is that reasonable people can see that the opposition leaders are aware that by calling for mass action they are calling for bloodshed. They know that their supporters especially in those areas like Nairobi where they hold mass protests are outnumbered by Jubilee supporters.

They are also aware that the supporters of the president are pissed by the tendency by opposition leaders to unjustifiably insult the president. I have no doubt they are hoping that their followers will fight with those of Jubilee and create an impression of a country that is burning so they can then blame it on the president and his deputy. I call on all peace loving Kenyans to reject calls for mass actions. We have independent judiciary and the opposition leaders if they have sincere grievances can go to court.

The church and other religious and civil organization need to encourage use of the judiciary and where necessary review judicial pronouncements and expose those judgments where the rule of law is not adhered to too. Otherwise constitutional bodies including the National Assembly ought to be left alone to fulfill their constitutional mandates. The party that forms government must be protected to carry out their functions for the period for which they have been elected. They ought to be challenged when they violate the constitution not when they do things that some people don’t like.
It is very sad that selfish purposes are the reason why we have extrapolated governing structures that are a huge burden to the tax payers. We as a nation must not serve the egos of individual leaders anymore. Consider for example, what would happen if the country went into elections having ruled out a manual backup to the electronic voting system. What happens if the electronic system fails? Obvious in such a case confusion and chaos are guaranteed.

So why would someone fight to have people vote in a system where confusion and chaos are the guaranteed results? To me the answer is simple. This serves the selfish people that know they have no chance of winning. For this reason such a careless plan must be rejected by those who care for the nation.
Rev. Dr. Muhia Karanja of Toronto Canada.


  1. My friend if yo are calling yourself a man of God and this is the kind of Blind Ethnic thinking you have embraced, I fear for the people you purport to lead.Any sensible Kenyan who reads through your article sees the same spirit you are the DUPLICITY AND ETHNICALLY INSPIRED DOUBLE STANDARDS you are applying. You are not reasoning from a logical, let alone Biblical perspective, but from this demonic political SPELL that is sitting on your community. You are taking a tribal stand on matters of blatant criminality, killing of innocent people, tribalization of the government, all this intended to portray the son of Jomo as an innocent “angel” and “saint” who is being persecuted. You have forgotten he is the same man who is disobeying the courts, using them to pass demonic decrees to silence critics. Are you aware the same judiciary you are talking about have issued a so-called warrant of arrest of doctors’ union leaders for exercising their constitutional right to industrial action? Are you aware that at the behest and interference of the same political “saint UK” you are trying to defend KNUT officials were arrested and their strike declared “illegal” by a corrupt judiciary?
    I am upset because if you can’t rise above the “uthamaki ni witu” witchcraft sitting on your community, how can you help your fellow ethnic bretheren who are deceived? If you claim to be a man of God an d you can’t read through political deception, what makes you think that when the antichrist shoos up you will not deceive people into endorsing him as a messenger from God? If you can’s read through the little demons behind the son of Jomo and his WICKED regime, how will you discern the antichrist who will be personally inhabited by satan himself?
    Regarding your condemnation of mass action, you need to know it is still a constitutional right of people to demonstrate against the selfish and tribalistic criminalities of this evil regime. You need to know that people who die in all demonstrations are shot by police with the blessing of state house.They are creating this impasse so that they can sacrifice innocent people in the name of maintaining ” law and order”. That is what they WANT- HUMAN SACRIFICE!
    In brief, you are BLIND, and you need help, deep and urgent SPIRITUAL HELP.

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