President Uhuru Kenyatta on Wednesday gave his last State of the Nation address before the expiry of his first term in office.
The president focussed the address from Parliament Buildings in Nairobi on the achievements of his administration for the last four years in areas of national security, devolution, economy, education among others.
On devolution, Mr Kenyatta said Kenya had made major strides, describing devolution as a “historic undertaking” that has few peers anywhere in the world.
He said his administration has gone over and beyond the constitutional requirement by increasing the percentage of shareable revenues from 15 to 34 percent.
His administration, he said, had supported county governments through conditional grants in areas such a health and water.
“Our support for devolution ha driven us to seek out and implement, in partnership with counties, projects that have a real and positive impacts on county residents,” he said.
The Head of State said the Jubilee government had also accelerated the transfer of functions, resources and personnel from the national level to the 47 devolved units.
He directed Attorney-General Githu Muigai and county governors to review the scope and mandate of the intergovernmental technical relations committee with a view of improving ties between Nairobi and the counties.