Saturday, March 1, 2025

Photo of Uhuru campaigning in the rain divides Kenyans

President Uhuru Kenyatta in Nyahururu
President Uhuru Kenyatta in Nyahururu

The rainy season is definitely here and when the heavens decide to open up, whatever is on its way will surely get drenched.

This is what happened to President Uhuru Kenyatta when he was met with a relentless downpour in Nyahururu while on the campaign trail.

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In the photo doing rounds on social media that was posted by Dennis Itumbi, President Uhuru is seen waving atop his presidential car at supporters who had scampered to take shelter in the nearby shops.

A brave faced Uhuru is visibly soaked as two of his bodyguards hang on the car’s rails, putting on a fight against the elements to protect their boss.

Save for a handful of supporters who braved to greet the head of state, the photo painted how high the stakes in the coming elections were as the electorate geared up for the October 26 date.

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The opposition (NASA) has pulled out of the election.

Here is what some of the social media users had to say of the photo;

Not even the rain could stop @PresidentKE @UKenyatta from saying hello to the people of Nyahururu along their roads…

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If he can direct the same efforts on corruption which is sucking Kenya dry then i would give him my one vote but he is the same guy

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Hahaha kwani yeye ni binadamu wa kwanza kunyeshewa? Ata obama alinyeshewa na haikua breaking news.tumewazoea na PR.


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