- The international media house accused NASA’s Raila Odinga of planning violence
- The article has rubbed NASA diehards the wrong way and they have ganged up against the respected media house
hashtag #TheEconomistLies:
A renowned London media house, The Economist, has accused NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga of planning to use violence to force his way to power.
The respected international media house published an article on Wednesday that contained profane statements against the former premier’s strategies of trying to rise to power.
This development comes after Raila Odinga withdrew his candidature in the October 26th presidential polls and left the country for a two-day trip in UK. His trip, according to the article, is a move aimed at drumming the support of the international community on his withdrawal.
The article- Raila Odinga takes a gamble by threatening to boycott Kenya’s election– quotes that Odinga’s decision to withdraw from the repeat polls depended on threats of violence that he hopes his supporters will engage in to stop the repeat polls.
By walking away, Mr Odinga seems to be gambling on his ability to threaten chaos to push Mr Kenyatta to negotiate- A section of the article reads.
The article rubbed NASA supporters the wrong way and they have ganged up on social media to bash the international media house. Here are some of the reactions:
Never in Kenyan history will Raila be president. He lost and will loss again with a bigger margin.