Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Kenya Loses an Icon: Church Architect, Builder, and Elder

In 1903, six brothers arrived in Kijabe mission. Their names were Kamau, Mwiiri, Muna, Macharia, and Wanguhu. They were among the first students to attend school in the mission which had been established in 1895. The founding AIM missionary, Mr. Hurlburt had acquired the land from the Colonial Government and was in the process of building it into the headquarters of Africa Inland Mission. This was to become the mother of Africa Inland Church (AIC).
One of the Children of these men was Mr. Charles Wanguhu. He became the face of Africa Inland Church, church construction, and Architecture. Mr. Charles Wanguhu is credited with creating the Iconic Africa Inland Church Buildings seen in every part of the Country. He was not only the mastermind behind these Iconic architectural designs but played an important role in keeping the Africa Inland Church Leadership Doctrine that has seen the Church grow historically to its current membership of over 5 million baptized members. Africa Inland Church is dominant in the Rift Valley, eastern province, and holds a very large following in central, and is dominant in the interior of the coast province.
In 2005 I was privileged to speak at AIC Lamu which is also a building with the same architectural design of Charles Wanguhu. During the recent Al Shabab Attacks at the Kenyan coast, it is the AIC that has become the shelter for many around the Boni Forest because it has established a spiritual and physical presence for those who dwell in these vulnerable areas.
For the Diaspora, Charles Wanguhu is the father of Kimani Wanguhu of Atlanta Georgia. He is the founding partner of Kenya Empowerment Newspaper which is the first hard copy newspaper for the Kenyan Diaspora in the United States published under Kim Media Group. He is also a leader in the diaspora Christian movement.
The work of Charles Wanguhu follows him into eternity.
Teddy Njoroge Kamau (Ph.D.)
HTBluff Associates
Diaspora Messenger Senior Columnist

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