Friday, July 26, 2024

Uhuru to hold talks with Zuma on first trip since re-election

Uhuru to hold talks with Zuma on first trip since re-electionPresident Uhuru Kenyatta will leave Kenya for South Africa onย Thursday, his first trip since a troubled re-election.

Uhuru will hold talks with President Jacob Zumaย at hisย Dr John Dube residence in Durban.

The two leaders will also share perspectives on issues of mutual importance, such as continental and international developments.

South Africa and Kenya enjoy warm bilateral relations underpinned by strong historical and political bonds.

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The country is Kenya’s strategic partner in many areas, trade and security in particular.

Last year,ย Kenya and South Africa considered establishing a joint business council and joint technical committee to address issues related to migration and trade barriers.

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The council is to bring business people on board, while the technical committee will be a government-to-government affair.

James Mureu,ย Mombasa chairman of the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said there hasn’t been serious cooperation between the two countries, which makes them lose out on their business potential.

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