Monday, March 3, 2025

Photos: Governor Anne Waiguru ditches her official look, goes casual

Guess who graced this year’s Jeans and Boots event!!! Yeah it was ‘Minji Minji’…the Kirinyaga governor, Anne Waiguru was the surprise guest for the event which took place on Saturday. Jeans And Boots is an exclusive fun filled event organized and hosted by Citizen TV journalist Jeff Koinange. The event is usually Cowboy themed.


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Thousands of Kenyans graced the occasion but one person stood out for sure. It was Anne Waiguru. We are used to her looking all official and suited up but for this one event, she rolled with the punches and went for the cow girl look. It is impressive we must admit.

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koinangejeff‪Guess who was the ‘Surprise’ Guest at #JeansAndBoots?? ‬ ‪KIRINYAGA Gov, @Anne_Waiguru!! Drove all the way with her FAMILY!!…She says the next Edition of @JeansAndBootsKenya will be in County Number 020…Asante sana Minji Minji…It’s gonna be SMMMMMOKIN!!‬ ‪Somebody say Oh MY!!!!‬ @xtiandela @stivogichbwoy

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?Guess who was the ‘Surprise’ Guest at #JeansAndBoots?? ? ?KIRINYAGA Gov, @Anne_Waiguru!! Drove all the way with her FAMILY!!…She says the next Edition of @JeansAndBootsKenya will be in County Number 020…Asante sana Minji Minji…It’s gonna be SMMMMMOKIN!!? ?Somebody say Oh MY!!!!? @xtiandela @stivogichbwoy

​A post shared by Jeff Koinange, MBS (@koinangejeff) on

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