A video of a woman destroying a Mercedes Benz has gone viral on social media.
In the video, the woman, who is in a short dress, is seen stepping on the car’s windscreen as two men appear to urge her on.
She even stands on top of the car and looks visibly upset.
Ureport could not establish when the video was recorded but reports indicate that it was recorded in Mombasa after the woman discovered her boyfriend had cheated.
This is not the first time such an incident has been reported. In 2016, a woman in Migori claimed her husband had abandoned their six children after falling for the charms of a mpango wa kando.
“Another woman eloped with my husband since December 2015. My husband never comes home, he never gives me money for food and upkeep, and he has changed his mobile phone contact she said.
“I have been following up on his movements, and I learnt of his whereabouts,” she added.
The woman, identified as Joyce Kandie resorted to destroying her husband’s Land Rover as it was parked outside the mpango wa kando’s house and her husband had refused to give her money for food.