Nineteen years ago Revs. Dr. Patrick & Rebecca Kihiu started restoring the lively hood of the people of mwimutoni, Escarpment sub-location, Lari Division, by: feeding orphans, clothing and educating them, Christmas outreach, providing a medical clinic for the people, clean water project, providing tools for the men to do Quarry Work and Empowering the church of Jesus Christ. Kihiu International Ministries, a non-profit organization in the USA, continues to share hope with the people of Kenya. What is happening right now in Escarpment is “unbelievable” and, I, Rev. Rebecca Kihiu urgently and humbly request the Kenyan government of President Uhuru Kenyatta to come and intervene for the sake of the people of Mwimutoni, Escarpment. I also request all concerned Kenyans, at home and abroad, to join me in condemning these inhuman actions. The Water Project has played a crucial role in lifting the economic, health, and spiritual status of the people of Mwimutoni.