Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Kenyan Diaspora Student Seeks Support for Life-Changing Training


Kenyan Diaspora student needs your support to accomplish life changing training:
Kenyan Diaspora student needs your support to accomplish life changing training:

The Forge is the leadership development ministry of Pine Cove serving men and women between the ages of 21 and 27. The Forge enables eager influencers to experience the sufficient life in Christ, and develops leaders who embody a faith worth following. Kindly help Derrick Simiyu accomplish this goal. He is an inspiration to Kenyan youth in Diaspora living for Christ. Here is his story!

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This past May I was able to complete my amazing journey at
Texas Tech University by graduating with a Bachelor of Science in
Kinesiology. The Lord gave me the opportunity to serve as a senior
counselor at the Pine Cove Towers for this last summer and it taught
me how far His love extends and how often he supplies us with his
power to accomplish His purposes. I was able to see numerous
campers come to know the Lord for the first time, campers grew in a
deeper relationship and understanding of Christ, and help guide, lead,
and equip counselors in being able to share the gospel with their

Now as the summer has come to a close, I am so excited to share that I have been
accepted to a 8-month leadership program at Pine Cove called, the Forge! At my time at Pine
Cove I have gone through a radical transformation of finding my true identity in Jesus Christ as
well as growing in a deeper love and knowledge of God.

Many of my friends that have participated in The Forge in the past have said that they have gone through life-changing experiences that have equipped them for a lifetime of good works. The Forge is a program designed to prepare me in the aspects of leadership and ministry, which I feel would be a valuable investment for the next year of my life. The Forge will not only train me in aspects of theology, leadership skills and community-it will also be a chance for my character to be tested and my identity to be refined.

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The program itself runs from August to May, and I will be embarking on this program
with around 30 young men and women who will receive this focused training! Over the course
of 8 months, I will be tackling a 19-hour class load, traveling on 7 different trips (including a 10-
day trek through Israel!!), learning the practical and theoretical aspects of leadership, and
devoting myself to a deeper study of the Scriptures and my Savior. Please visit the Forge website
for the full scope of the program at

My reason for writing to you is to let you know that this is such an incredible opportunity
and journey that I get to embark on, but I need your support. I am looking to develop a team of
people who will support me with their prayers and/or finances while I am here. One of the
requirements of each student are to help fundraise the operating cost of the program. I have
committed to raise my share of $12,000 by March 1 st , 2020.

Derrick Simiyu with parents,Bob and Lucy Simiyu

With the help of other family and friends and some of my own funds I have raised $2,500 but can afford little more. I am hoping you might be able to help me make up the difference with a tax-deductible gift to the Forge. I’m looking to find monthly financial teams who would support me at $100/month, another group of people who would support me at $50/month, and lastly a group that would support at $25/month.

I’m also looking for people who would support me with a one-time gift of $25, $50, or $100+.
Would you be willing to be one of those people? I would love it if you would please pray
and discuss this with your family if you would like to be a part of one of these teams. I will also
be calling you in the upcoming weeks to discuss the heart of this opportunity.
If you already know you would like to participate, there are two ways you can do so. If
you’re writing a check, please make it out to “Pine Cove” and place the word “Forge” on the
memo line. Or, if you would like to make your donation online, please visit and use the donation box on the side of the page.

Please include my name in the ‘donor notes’ before you submit your payment.

I look forward to calling you and discussing more about this exciting opportunity I have
in front of me! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 832-291-7231 or email me at!


Derrick Simiyu

Kenyan Diaspora Student Seeks Support for Life-Changing Training

Kenyan Diaspora Student Seeks Support for Life-Changing Training

Kenyan Diaspora Student Seeks Support for Life-Changing Training


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