How to expand your Generosity Amplitude- A tribute to Moi
This month of February has been a time of mourning for the former President Daniel Arap Moi. As a leader he is mourned by both his friends and foes.
I have noted with eagerness that thousands and thousands of Kenyans have been talking about his generosity and as a writer and an author, this topic of generosity keeps lingering in my mind. As a person, my education was as a result of generosity. I was a recipient of generosity from my late mother Teresa Nyawira, from my brothers and the community.
After much reflection on this topic, allow me to share with you five ways on how you can become more generous into your life:
1. Be grateful for whatever you have:
God has given you physical, emotional, spiritual and mental energies. This is probably the biggest capital that God has given to you. You need to use this capital and create synergy, do good, help others at every opportune time. If you do not yet have any idea on how you can help those who are in need, you can start off this Valentine’s by collaborating with Optiven’s philanthropic wing – Optiven Foundation, which is currently engaged in raising over 5, 000 cow gate milk to care for over 100 newborn children whose mothers have disowned or neglected them.
2. Put people first:
The world would be useless without people. Use your might, your energy, your wisdom, and your knowledge to inspire others. You can do it for example via FB live, You Tube or one-on-one engagements. As a person I have proven that you can change people’s lives in a massive way by using such social media tools that are freely at our disposal. See a sample as you plan to implement this strategy of ‘people first’ in your own life: (This video is about how you can earn from Optiven regardless of your physical location)
3. Do not allow greed to control you:
Remember you are here for a short time. What you have is temporary. Just know that soon, you will be gone. David of the Bible, in the book of Psalms 39:5-6 says that we are like vapor. Let’s do good when we are still alive.
4. Regard Money as a resource:
Do not allow money to control you. You should be the Lord over your money and money should not be the Lord over you. Use the money to add value to the world. Whatever you do, do it in amazing way. If you are in business, develop award winning projects. I have tried this in a project that has made Kenyans wild, amazed and really happy just to be part of it. Have a look at this project called Amani Ridge the Place of Peace:
5. Develop the habit of giving:
From Optiven experience and my own experience, giving opens golden doors. At Optiven, we give 5% through our award-winning charity Wing – Optiven Foundation:
You can try it and see how you will create wisdom, knowledge, wealth and riches.
My final submission, belief in abundance, says no to negativity, appreciate people and believe in adding value to others.
Together, we can make the world a better place for all.
The former president did his part, it is now your turn to write your own history through your deeds.
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