Saturday, February 22, 2025

Should We Love Homosexuals with Christ’s Love?

Should We Love Homosexuals with Christ’s Love?

Dr. Teddy Kamau

A teenage girl was having a conversation with an African pastor. The girl expressed concerns that the pastor was not being sensitive to diversity. Christian teachers and others are teaching teenagers not to discriminate against homosexuals. They are teaching them to embrace all people in the name of Christian love. The question we must ask is whether Christ would invite a homosexual into his house? What would he do if his teenage daughter or son brought home a homosexual? Would he encourage the young person to “love” the sinner and hate the sin?

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Given that the pastor is an African who has lived in the United States, he was confronted with a question that many African diaspora and other races that live in the United States, but come from cultures where gender distinction is real are faced with. Are men, men and are women, women? The question on what to do when our children request our participation in an agenda that is clearly against Divine principles is one of the complexities facing Christians today.

Any argument on biblical revelation has to be based on distinctions between God’s divine principles before the fall of man (Genesis 1 and 2), and after the fall of man (Genesis 3.ff). Before man decided to follow Satan and signed a contract with him, his perfection meant that the categories were set out for them. Therefore, the relationship between Adam and Eve was perfect and their “marriage” could not end up in divorce. There could not have been hate or any sense of evil given the perfection of human conscious. There was no definition of evil other than eating the forbidden fruit. Therefore, perfection was possible before the fall. After the fall, the definition of perfect becomes a pursuit of morality. The question is, who defines things as moral or immoral?

Therefore, in the Old Testament, God gave his chosen people laws that defined the parameters of morality. St Paul deals with Christian principles that are complex. For example, St. Paul argued that church elders should be men. He also argued that women should learn in quietness and full submission in the church. He did not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man (1st Timothy 2.). On the issue of gender roles within the Christian community, St. Paul’s argument was based upon his understanding of why humanity was in the predicament it found itself in. According to St. Paul, Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.

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Paul is arguing that it was the action of a woman, not a man, that brought forth evil. Therefore, he could not trust women to lead men because, according to him, they would lead men to temptation and evil. But married Christian women argue, what if the man wears pants for nothing: a nothing burger? Then what? Should they follow these good for nothing men to hell? What if the man is abusing his wife, should the woman not file for divorce and continue to submit to decadence? Modern churches argue that women should be ordained and given authority over men: they should even become bishops. In fact, there are many women who are pastors, elders, and have authority over men. Is this ethical, sin, moral, acceptable practice, or a violation of divine principle?

If Paul’s writings are inspired by the Spirit of God and represent divine principle, are those who violate them sinners? The foundational principles that are divine must then be understood from the perspective of Genesis 1 and 2. What are the principles that stand against all others? Which principles were not affected by Satan? Which principles can stand the test of Genesis 1 and 2?

The first absolute principle is that God is the creator of all things. The second is that God created distinct sexes: male and female. Nobody can argue that the fall interfered with these absolutes. And even those who want to argue that gender was affected by the fall cannot subvert the intentionality of gender based distinction in Genesis 1 and 2. All the other principles are guided by conscious and the judgment of God on these shall be on the basis of conscious. To this end then, believers cannot compromise on the issue of Divine creative power and gender. To do so is not only a violation of absolute divine principle, but also a contradiction of God’s creative intention to base all generations, even occupancy of heaven, on that which He has created, and on gender: male and female.

Any person who engages in homosexuality is arguing that God is not the creator. The reason is because without male and female, creation does not exist. Even the new heaven and earth is founded on these two principles. Christ’s birth, death, resurrection, ascension, and return are founded on these principles. These are absolutes and those who violate them are eternally condemned. This spiritual position is biblically absolute. There is a difference between spiritual distinctions and discrimination.

It is important to note that we must never entertain violence or discriminate against any human being.

Teddy Njoroge Kamau (PhD)

HTBluff Associates

Diaspora messenger Senior Columnist


Should We Love Homosexuals with Christ’s Love?

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