Tuesday, March 4, 2025

DP William Samoei Arap Ruto’s Diaspora Campaign Team Unveiled

DP William Samoei Arap Ruto’s Diaspora Campaign Team Unveiled

DP William Samoei Arap Ruto’s Diaspora Campaign Team Unveiled
Deputy President William Ruto’s Presidential bid for 2022 got a boost when his supporters in the United States unveiled a leadership team that will lead his diaspora campaign. The leaders will report to Ruto’s campaign strategist in Nairobi Mr Eliud Owalo.

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The leadership will comprise 4 representatives from 8 regional chapters in North America, referred to as the National Governing Council (NGC). Each chapter will be led by a regional chair. The Diaspora Hustler Movement leadership will encompass the regions which cover, New England, New Jersey, New York, Dallas, Houston, Minneapolis, Boston, Seattle, Atlanta, and Ontario, Canada.

With the understanding of how high the political stakes are in the country, the Diaspora Hustler Movement will coordinate three major segments of the DP’s Presidential campaign-resource mobilization, publicity, and campaign strategy. The team will also popularize the United Democratic alliance party (UDA) in the diaspora and within the country.

Under the “bottom-up” economic model championed by DP Ruto; the Kenyan diaspora believes that the economy can be tailored to spur the standard of life to the entire citizenry through the creation of jobs, skill training, rural development, affordable housing, and access to micro-credits services to boost small businesses.

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If implemented, this model will tremendously lift citizens at the bottom ladder economically, hence, bail them out of poverty.

Those who misconstrue Ruto’s economic strategy needs to understand that the hustler movement is tailored towards addressing the plight of the downtrodden members of our society. That’s why there is too much goodwill towards Ruto’s presidential bid. As always, a true campaign starts with interaction, connectivity, bonding, and the creation of impact on the ground based on practical steps. This is exactly what the Ruto campaign is doing.

The chairman of the team, Dr. Daniel Sambu, who is also deputized by David Okoth said that the Kenyan diaspora will soon release a policy paper on diaspora engagements especially on representation, and remittances, to enhance the “bottoms-up” economic model, which is the clarion for Ruto’s economic emancipation for Kenya.

New England region will be represented by Paul Muite, Pacific region by Prestige Kiarie, Abraham Kirwa, South East, and Sebastian Gaitho, the Midwest.

In a statement released by the team’s media liaison and publicity coordinator from New Jersey, Mr Lister Nyaringo, the leaders are elated to hit the ground running to ensure that the DP is elected the 5th President of Kenya. The group promised to continue defending Ruto against politically motivated attacks on his character and propaganda intended to distract Kenyans from having an open discussion about Kenya’s future and collective good.

The unveiling of the diaspora for Ruto leadership team comes hot in the heels after the DP addressed the opening of two UDA party offices in Seattle Washington and Boston, Massachusetts. So far, two additional chapters in Dallas and Minneapolis were opened last week.

To build a superb campaign for the DP’s victory, the diaspora believes that it starts with unity through interaction, connectivity, bonding, and the creation of a strong impact on the ground through practical steps. This synergy between Kenyans at home and abroad will bring to light the true message on Ruto’s policies and political ideology, hence propel him to victory in 2022.

“We shall be aggressive in debunking any the lies peddled against the DP from his detractors. Ruto is not the cause of the problems facing the country. His agenda sounds measurable and achievable to rekindle the hopes of the downtrodden citizens.” Said Jimmy Onkangi of Dallas Texas.

Other officials of the team are as follows: Kennedy Karanja, Secretary-General, Acquillahs Muteti, national Coordinator, and Sarah Buyaki, organizing Secretary.

To bolster the DP’s campaign on logistics, Dr Hiuko Ngari will serve as the treasurer. Her resource mobilization department will source funds for vehicles, satellite phones, cell phones and surveillance cameras to monitor the voting and counting during election day.

Team Ruto diaspora will be the focal point for building campaign synergy with other diaspora groups in Canada, Europe, the Middle East and in several African countries.

To tap campaign strategy and Ruto’s presidential campaign, Mr Anwar Saddat who is also, a resident of New York, and Cheraisi Samuel from Atlanta, will oversee the UDA diaspora political wing. “We believe in the vision of the DP Ruto for Kenya. We shall work over-drive to incorporate progressive minds at home and abroad for an overwhelming victory next year. Said Mr Saddat.

“This is a period of reckoning. Kenyans know who is ready to fight for them. They’ve seen how all political leaders are in the attack mode towards Ruto, whose only mistake is speaking the truth and associating with the hoi polloi (hustlers).” Said Pastor Dorcas Ndambuki who is also the deputy media and publicity coordinator.

The team’s media liaison officer, Lister Nyaringo who released the statement stated that the Ruto diaspora team stands for social justice, civic awareness, fairness in the electoral process, equity, and equality. It also stands for constitutionalism, democracy, and the separation of powers to enhance our governance systems and processes.

The lackadaisical style the IEBC has been conducting past elections are viewed by Ruto’s diaspora team as a travesty to democracy and an impediment to the will of the people.

“We shall use all means at our disposal to ensure that the voting process, the counting, tallying and results of the votes cast reflect the will of the Kenyan people as a clear demonstration of our democracy. Said Sarah Buyaki.

A key supporter of DP Ruto’s social media diaspora team, Mr Cosmo Choi challenged all Kenyans in the diaspora to ensure maximum vigilance on the IEBC so that it could conduct a free and fair election.

All officials unanimously agreed to seize the opportunity and fearlessly continue speaking for the downtrodden members of the Kenyan society while condemning social and economic evils like tribalism, nepotism corruption, electoral fraud, and insecurity.

“Our team has clear-cut caveats on how to identify the right leaders for the country. We will only endorse and support the men and women who are pro-people. Those who stand tall in empowering vulnerable groups like women, youth, and the poor will earn our support.” Said Cheraisi Samuel.


By Joseph Lister Nyaringo

New Jersey


DP William Samoei Arap Ruto’s Diaspora Campaign Team Unveiled

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