Friday, July 26, 2024

Favor with employer in UAE helps Kenyan Domestic worker start a business

Favor with employer in UAE helps Kenyan Domestic worker start a business

Favor with employer in UAE helps Kenyan Domestic worker start a businessGrace worked as a housemaid in Abu Dhabi, where she had gone to seek greener pastures. And Although the pastures were greener on that side, it came with a price. The price she paid was that sheย perpetuallyย pined for her family back in Kenya.

She hailed from Malindi and was the youngest of three sisters. She was fresh out of high school when she found the opportunity to work abroad. The agent who processed her work permits, and visa assigned her to work for the family of a Policeman. Her onlyย companionย in Abu Dhabiย was Diana, a girlย who workedย in differentย houses in the same estate.

They were village mates back in Kenya, and in their free time, they conversed online. They chatted in theirย mother tongueย which grounded their identity. They mostly discussed home affairs, and their adventures at work, and if one of them was offline during their nocturnal chats, they made sure they checked onย each other.

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Their bond was cemented by the fact they were all single mothers, andย had left their kids back in Kenya.

Skyscrapers in Abu Dhabi, the Capital City of United Arab Emirates.
Skyscrapers in Abu Dhabi, the Capital City of United Arab Emirates.

In the foreign land,ย Grace’sย employer was aย Sergeantย in the police force, and his wife was a psychotherapist. They had three children; two sons, and a last-born daughter.

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The eldest son had moved out, and because of their parents’ tight schedules the other two required a helper, and Grace fulfilled the requirements.ย Her daily schedule was dynamic, as it depended on her bosses routines, but her main priority was the kids.

She often accompanied them toย children’s parksย and joined in their frolics. Her work was literally all fun and games. It surprised her that most parents allowed their kids to play in the parks at night.

The first night she took the kids to the park,ย she metย with Diana. They had not seen each other for months, and after they tightly embraced each other as if to quench the thirst inside their hearts, they sat on the park bench and watched as kidsย played.

Grace gave Diana a momentary glimpse, saw the sadness in her eyes, and asked about her relationship with her employer. Dianaย grimaced and herย expressions exposed the tip of an abuse iceberg. She then saidย she was tired ofย houseworkย and would prefer a job that challenged her mentally. In reality, She was tired of how she lived on the leash of her rich employersย who constantly argued,ย the reasonย being the wife had notย borneย a child.

They projected their frustrations on her, and theย repercussions it hadย on her mental health were dire. Her most depressingย memoryย was when she was made to wash the carpet before she slept, and so sheย washedย till midnightย since the carpet was huge.

Her friendsย normally narrated positive things in relation to their bosses. She did not understand why she was so unfortunate as to landย such a nagging employer.ย But she knew if she gave up, her sonย back in Kenyaย would suffer the most.

She had left him with herย parents whoย tookย care of their grandson. They were proud of their daughter forย She had proved to be a responsible mother,ย and wasย the first in the family to ever travel and work abroad.

She sent upkeep money every month, but she had defaulted from the routine for almost three months. Thisย trendย worried herย parents, and whenever they contactedย herย phone went on voicemail. And theย days when theย call went through they’d hear the sadness in her voiceย even though she claimed she was okay.

The day she met with Grace at the park was the first time she shared her work experience inย detail, and cried a river afterwards. Theย talkย cleared the fog in her mind, and she decided she had to takeย the right course of action, which was to be or not to be aย housemaidย in the Middle East. It all depended on her employer’s verdict.

When she went back home that particular night, sheย tookย the bull by the horns and confronted her employersย inย the TV room, where sheย took a seat and summoned their attention. She explained to them how her current routine left her exhausted and sickly, and that she would be more effective ifย sheย tookย breaks in between chores.

When she concluded her request, the couple guffawed at how funny her broken Arabic sounded. But the verdict they gave was inย her favour. They confessed they had spent a fortune in hospitals in their attempt to conceive, andย that’sย why they hadย defaultedย her payments. That night they all ate at the same table, and for the first time, they questioned her about Kenya.

She told them how she missed home, and when she mentionedย she had aย son they gasped withย glee. They smiled and promised they’d pay the Ksh250,000 (8,353ย Dirhams) deficit salary they owed her.ย Whenย she receivedย ย the next dayย through bank transfer from her boss, she leapt with joy, and ran to her bedroom and called her Mother.

“He..hello Mum” Her voice cracked with emotion.

“Hello baby, are you okay? we have been trying to reach out to you with no success”

The affection in her mother’s voice made her break down and cry, andย amidstย the tears she replied.

“I have been busy of late, but everythingย isย good”

“Then why are you crying? Hasย anyone mistreated you?”

.”No Mum, It’s just that I miss home so much”

“Iย understand baby, but things are not that good here. Did your boss pay you yet?”

“Of course Mum,ย that’sย why I called, I want to send you money for upkeep.”

“God bless you child, but we are far away from the bank, so you will have to send it to your uncle who is in town so that he can withdraw it for us”

“Mum that is not necessary,ย especiallyย since you have aย Co-opย account you can just visit the nearestย Co-op Jiraniย agent to withdraw the cash, and even payย my sonsย fees without any charges. The agents areย openย 7 days a week so you can transact with themย any day ” Sheย said.

“That sounded easier than I imagined, If it were not for you I’d be stuck in the analogue world”ย They both laughed, and bid each other goodbye.

Diana thenย called aย friendย and updated her on the recent turn of events. Grace was delighted by the news that her friend was back on her high horse, but sheย later confessed that she planned to quit her job and use the money she had accrued to start a cosmetics shop in Kenya.

She knew it would be hard for her boss to let her go, but the departure would do her more good than if she stayed another year. She was not ready to be an absenteeย mother, especially Ifย she could help it, and as she was about to go to bed that evening, she discussed the issue with herย madam.

The madam was a mother, and a psychotherapist, and so she was empathic, and understood the turmoil Grace underwent. She agreed to let her go, and evenย helped her with the travel arrangements, and made sure the agents who had facilitated her arrival in Abu Dhabi cleared her.

Once she landed in Kenya, she opened a cosmetic shop that operated in her home town.

Business favoured her and she had to employ two assistants to help her run it. As she went to deposit theย week’sย profits at her usualย Co-op Jirani agent, she stumbled uponย Diana’sย Mother, whose face glowed with youthfulย exuberance.

She was there to withdraw money sent to her by her daughter.ย Grace greeted her and they talked about Diana. She then commented about her youthful glow, andย proficiencyย with mobile banking, and she simplyย replied. “Iย was analogue, now I’mย digital”.


Favor with employer in UAE helps Kenyan Domestic worker start a business


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