Wednesday, March 12, 2025

I am a Product of Ukraine, I am Grateful to Ukraine, Today I Cry for Ukraine

 I am a Product of Ukraine, I am Grateful to Ukraine, Today I Cry for Ukraine-Liz Ekakoro
I am a Product of Ukraine, I am Grateful to Ukraine, Today I Cry for Ukraine-Liz Ekakoro

Ukraine was my home for five years while I undertook my undergraduate studies under a scholarship program. The agreement was for my government to take care of upkeep while the Ukrainian government took care of tuition. I however received no financial support from my government, but the Ukrainian government gave some 720 Ukrainian Hryvnia(USD90-100) monthly for good performance; an average score of above 75% in every unit. Scoring below 75 in just one unit would mean no stipend for an entire semester, and thanks to this, I had no option but to triple my efforts.  It was not easy studying Engineering in the Ukrainian language and attaining the target, but the stipend was a great motivation that saw me graduate with an average score of 85.8%. I am a product of Ukraine. I am grateful to Ukraine.

Until I got the scholarship offer to Ukraine, I had known nothing about the country. This forced me to do some research prior to my interview. On the interview day at the ministry of Higher education offices, one panelist sought to know whether I had an idea of where I was going. “Eastern Europe, neighboring Russia and Poland,” I recalled from my brief research. Little did I know that my journey of transformation had just begun, and my life story would be incomplete without Ukraine.

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Ukraine became my home away from home, my educator, my keeper. There were challenges, especially getting zero financial support from the government that sent me there, but triumphs also came in exceeding measure. In Ukraine, my life was transformed for good and for the better. There are minds and people I would never have interacted with outside Ukraine.  Thanks to Ukraine, an impossible dream came to birth.

Today, I cry for Ukraine.  A nation so peaceful, a country so welcoming and a people so charming. My heart bleeds for Ukraine, for the innocent children, helpless mothers, and powerless fathers. No one deserves a war.

As a child and friend of Ukraine, I call upon everyone to stand with Ukraine.  This too shall come to pass, and peace will prevail. Impossible is Nothing!

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In the words of renowned Ukrainian Poet Taras Shevchenko, I say to Ukraine;


And glory to you, dark-blue mountains,

Frost and snow protect you;

And to you, great-hearted heroes,

God does not forget you.

Struggle on—and be triumphant!

God Himself will aid you;

At your side fight truth and glory,

Right and holy freedom.

By Elizabeth Ekakoro Bore: Diaspora Messenger Contributor

Elizabeth is the author of Imagine the  world and create it, a powerful book that is an inspiration to all to re-ignite our zeal to dream. whatever you dreams,you can bring it to pass.

Readers abroad can get an e-copy..@ 6.oo USD,click here to get a copy- within Kenya can  make their order and  will deliver. send order email to

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I am a Product of Ukraine, I am Grateful to Ukraine, Today I Cry for Ukraine-Liz Ekakoro


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