Saturday, September 7, 2024

Cherera Finally Agrees with Wafula Chebukati After Supreme Court Verdict

Cherera Finally Agrees with Wafula Chebukati After Supreme Court Verdict

IEBC Vice Chairperson Julianna Cherera and IEBC commissioners Justus Nyang’aya, Francis Wanderi and Irene Masit have broken their silence after the Supreme Court upheld President-elect William Ruto’s win.

In a statement on Tuesday, September 6, the four stated that they appreciated the 7-judge Supreme Court bench maintaining that they respected their unanimous decision.

“After the Supreme Court of Kenya made her ruling yesterday September 5, 2022 on the presidential election petition, particularly with regard to our role as Commissioners, we wish to convey our appreciation to the Honourable Judges of the Supreme Court of Kenya and confirm that we respect their collective decisions,” read part of the statement signed by Cherera and the three commissioners.

They further maintained that they agreed with the statement by IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati to the media on Monday.

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“We also state here that we agree with the statement of the chairperson of the commission which was sent to the media yesterday. We wish to reiterate that we stand by the rule of law and statutes that promote the effectiveness of the work of the commission,” the four stated in the collective statement.

Chebukati on Monday stated that the electoral commission put in a place a robust and transparent election infrastructure to ensure votes were counted, transmitted, tallied, and verified according to the constitution.

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He said that the Supreme Court’s verdict was a testimony that IEBC conducted a free and fair election adding that the commission had been vindicated.

“The Supreme Court Judgment today, is a testimony that the Commission conducted a free, fair, transparent, and credible General Election that met the democratic aspirations of the people of Kenya. IEBC is finally vindicated,” Chebukati stated.

Cherera and the three IEBC commissioners had earlier disowned the presidential results announced by Chebukati citing the opaque nature of the tallying process.

By Clinton Nyabuto


Supreme Court Throws Juliana Cherera Under The Bus

Cherera Finally Agrees with Wafula Chebukati After Supreme Court Verdict


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